Unsure if this is even possible, but it's really the only thing that keeps me using Safari.
Apple Pay Support?
Is this possible? Im curious. Would def love it.
I have the same issue. One of the sites I frequently go to Farmgirl.work, offers Apple Pay for express checkout when I use Safari but changes to PayPal when use Orion. Very strange since Google Pay is offered on both Safari and Orion.
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Can anyone check if there is an Apple Pay API or if any other browser (other than Safari) has native Apple Pay support? Just to make sure it is doable. Looks like it might be doable https://webkit.org/blog/8182/introducing-the-payment-request-api-for-apple-pay/
@Vlad any idea whether the webkit link you posted above will work for Orion? I see it's planned, just curious how far along in the process the team is. Excited for this to be my main browser once Apple Pay is live
Gonna plop this here https://applepaydemo.apple.com/#requirements
Just wanted to flag that this as an issue is important to me. XOXO
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- Best Answerset by Vlad
hayden We will have Apple Pay support inherited natively from WebKit as soon as Apple allows other browsers on macOS to have it. (they let other browsers have it on iOS, and Orion iOS already supports it)
I ecnourage everyone send feedback to Apple about it via their standard feedback channel.
Vlad I did, I've donated to this issues specifically haha
That's really a shame that Apple is keeping Apple Pay for Safari on macOS. Orion but other browsers such as Firefox, Chrome or Edge should have access to it.
apple pay coming to third party browsers in macos sequoia
Steps to reproduce:
<Include steps to reproduce the bug; Did you try using Compatibility mode? If applicable, does Safari behave in the same way?>
When trying to pay via Apple Pay on this website, on the first attempt clicking the Apple Pay button does nothing. Upon reloading the page, the Apple Pay button has disappeared completely. Compatibilty mode has no effect. Copying this link into Safari works every time.
Expected behavior:
<What you expected to happen?>
**Orion, (WebKit 614.1.20) MacOS version; 13.0.1 (22A400) hardware typeiMac 24", M1, 2021:
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Vlad, the walled garden strikes again. Thanks for the explanation Vlad and thank you for Kagi & Orion. They are both much appreciated.
I’m telling all my friends about Kagi, zero-telemetry and paying for your searches. May I suggest you double the price for each search to help pay your monthly server fees. The privacy and quality of the searches is worth it.
Orion 1.1.9 (5) (Webkit 8614.
Vlad, I've checked that Orin is now upto date (above version numbers) and I was able to reproduce the same fault on the iPad M1 11" Pro running iPadOS ver 16.11. as before after loading a small number of news story links that had loaded successfully. Tricky?
When trying to upload a screen shot of the error report to the Orin feedback page editor (on the iMac in MacOS) it continually says there was something wrong in the upload. I tried a .png and .jpeg image to no avail. So no screen shot unfortunately.
Even trickier: to post this reply I have resorted to using Safari as the same"oops there is something wrong" message prevents me from posting the reply in the Orion feedback editor on the iMac (21" M1 2021, MacOS 13.0.1 (22A400)).
Thanks Vlad,