The webapps work very well but there's a behaviour with opening links that I think might be better changed. When you make a webapp of a chat app, I think generally a preferred behaviour is that any opened links not open inside the webapp but instead to open in the main Orion instance in a new tab. The same behaviour might be preferable with, say, a YouTube or Twitch webapp.

Video below showing behaviour with the Element webapp:

    In my case, the links do open but my request will be a different behaviour, to open them in a new tab in the main Orion instance rather than inside the webapp.

      Brief Summary
      As a user, I'd like to be able to specify which URLs can be loaded in a web app window, so that other URLs that don't match my filter will automatically be opened up in a new Orion window.

      Ideally, in the "Add This Site as a Web App" dialog, a text field will be included that allows users to write a comma-separated list of domain names as to what URLs are allowed to open in that window, like the following:


      This comma-separated list can contain also contain regular expressions or glob expressions (whichever the team prefers here):


      When a link is clicked, it will check the URL if it matches the filter. If it does, it will open in place as normal. Otherwise, it will open in a new window automatically.


        Merged 2 posts from Add a URL filter to web apps.
          Merged 5 posts from Option to open links in webapps in main browser instance.
            17 days later

            @Vlad this should not be marked as done. I'm asking for an advanced configuration UI, which orion does not have.

            • Vlad replied to this.

              eirk The ask is not clear, try to be detailed.

                gcqd This seems to be related to more than web apps, and maybe has implications to profiles and sessions in the future. We'd still need a detailed ask.

                  2 months later
                  Merged 17 posts from Configure when and where URLs go.

                    I am thinking that a global website setting "Open in Profile" showsn here after SSL cert check, with a drop down to select options:
                    Current (default)
                    Profile 1
                    Profile 2

                    Would work for everyone interested?

                    This would work on per subdomain basis, as all website settings do.

                      i think that is a good solution

                        It would be awsome if windows worked as workspaces as they do in browsers such as Arc, Vivaldi, or sigmaOS, with the possibility to create custom filters that open links directly in one of the worspaces:

                        example: I have a #1 personal worskpace, #2 work worskpace, #3 entertainment workspace... I wan't to create a filter in which all urls that either contain "youtube" or end with "youtube.com" open in the entertainment worspace, whereas all those containing "notion" open in work and so on...

                        To go even further, the possibility to associate each worspace with a different profile with its own extensions, logged accounts and whatnot would be optimal.

                          Merged 2 posts from True workspaces.

                            Vlad Would work for everyone interested?

                            Looks good to me!

                              Tinholoco Please comment on the suggestion I posted above your post.

                              It is not clear what you call a workspace. In Orion context Workspace is a collection of open windows and you can even save/restore this as a snapshot.

                                Vlad I mean the windows system is almost like a workspace in Opera, SigmaOS or Arc but misses some features like the possibility to have a specific profile for every saved window and to open specific links/domains in one of them.