• I have 10 tab groups with a total of 200 tabs. Each time I close and restart the browser my tab order is messed up.

  • BugsDesktopPlanned

Steps to reproduce:
No special setup, but reproduceable for me with each new browser start.
Safari tab s stay as arranged by the user.

Expected behavior:
Tab order remains as arranged by user.

Orion, OS version; hardware type:
Version (WebKit 615.1.16.1)
M1 Mac. Ventura 13.2

  • Vlad replied to this.


    Each time I close and restart the browser my tab order is messed up.

    Be kind to explain what does this mean, steps to reproduce and or video/screenshots would be nice too.

      15 days later

      Hi, I think I'm having a similar issue

      Steps to reproduce:
      Reproduced on a clean profile.

      1. Create a new tab group/saved window
      2. Open 2 different tabs (I used google.com and youtube.com)
      3. Switch the order of the 2 tabs
      4. Close the window (no need to quit)
      5. Reopen by clicking Orion on the dock
      6. Reopen the tab group. The order of the 2 tabs are switched to how they were originally created

      Also another possibly related issue is that the tab history of the tabs in the tab group are not saved as well. I can reproduce this by clicking a youtube video before closing the window.

      Expected behavior:
      The tabs should remain in the order when the window is closed

      Orion, OS version; hardware type:
      Version (WebKit 615.1.16.1)
      M1 Macbook Pro, MacOS Ventura 13.1

      Hi, has this been fixed? I just updated to the newest version (Version The changelog states that this has been fixed, but I can still reproduce it in both my usual profiles and a clean profile.

      • Vlad replied to this.

        Sure, here is a video of the problem:

          22 days later

          I'm experiencing the same thing here...

          I think the title of this issue can be renamed, as the "requirements" are as shown by @Jimpaly very low, and no tab groups or similar is needed. A suggestion for name is "Tab order randomized upon restart/window reopen"?

          On my end, I have about 40 tabs open with pages I visit semi-periodically, hence why I'm so bad at closing them. All of them in the same tab group, I've not yet figured out a good way of organizing them to my liking. 😀
          Over the time I've noticed small changes in the order, but not fully realized what is happening until today.

          Prior to a reboot I was visiting the Swedish IRS web page (tax declaration season over here), with two tabs open lined up neatly next to each other, and I was also reading a bunch of threads on SmallNetBuilder Forums.
          After the MacOS reboot and Orion starting back up, the tab order came out like this:

          The two tabs originally placed next to each other was now "split" by the forum tabs, giving a clear proof that the order of the tabs are mangled.


            To add some more details; On previous restarts the four tabs from the SNBForums, each with a different sub-forum/category on the forum, has come up in random order. I thought I remembered which order I had them open, but wrote it down as confusion. After seeing a clear evidence (the screenshot where the two tabs were separated by the four SNBForum tabs) I'm even more sure the reordering happens.

            Interestingly, those four tabs has been kept together for quite a number of restarts, but their internal order does not come up the same every time.

              6 months later

              Is there any movement on this one? I've had this issue since I started using Orion, and I basically try to avoid restarting the browser if at all possible as a result, but each time I do it's super annoying to find the tabs essentially completely randomized - like, not even close to the original order they were opened in, let alone the order I sorted them into. In some cases, even the parent/child relationship is lost, but then in other cases it's preserved; I can't really tell if there is a specific criteria on that part of it though.

              Orion is the only browser I've used that doesn't go out of it's way to restore tabs to their original order and hierarchy upon restart. Fingers crossed this gets addressed soon.

              • Vlad replied to this.

                bitwalker Yes, we can move it to Planned queue (which we already did) where it awaits to be looked at together with more than a 1,000 similar cards. I know this issue is important to you, the problem is every other one is important to someone too and the team is already doing everything humanely possible. We are just three developers.

                  Vlad Understood, I certainly don’t mean to imply that you all are doing anything other than a great job, I’m just surprised to see something like this still lingering after several months. In any case, I’m sure there is a never ending queue of higher priority issues, so if this one isn’t making the cut, I trust your judgment.

                  • Vlad replied to this.

                    bitwalker I can understand you are surprised but judging by the number of upvotes, it is a fairly low impact thing, and not something most users experience every day.

                      a month later

                      Steps to reproduce:

                      1. Use vertical tab mode
                      2. Switch to normal tab mode and open some tabs
                      3. Switch back to vertical tab mode
                      4. Some tabs are not visible anymore and when using cmd+num the invisible tabs from normal tab mode come back

                      Expected behavior:
                      Tabs in both modes are compatible

                      Orion, OS version; hardware type:
                      Orion: Version 0.99.111-beta
                      macOS: 12.1 Monterey
                      M1 macbook pro

                      • Vlad replied to this.

                        I'm trying to reproduce this on my machine (M1 MacBook Air, Monterey, same Origin version) to see if I can add detail but I haven't been able to reproduce it. Does this happen with a lot of tabs? Do the tabs have long names? Is there a website this reliably happens with?

                        Btw. Did not know about the command shortcut for switching tabs; thanks for teaching me.