Since the german Language pack has so many bugs, please make it possible in the settings to change to another language preferably ENGLISH

  • Vlad replied to this.

    If your using it on a Mac, you can go into Settings > General > Language and Zone (or some pathway like that) and choose a different language for a single application.

    Vlad I updated the translaton to "Die Homepage". Every German speaking person would understand that 😀

      BigBobbyD At first, I read it in English, and didn't understand why and homepage would sadly pass away. Then I realize you're speaking German. 😆

        Language still failed on German...startside is still starting the startside and not the homepage...heavy sigh.

        also I still have bad crashes when trying to access sites like github through links at duckduckgo.

        Thank goodness for timemachine. I will wait a a while before trying an update again.

        crash report is attached, perhaps that helps

        • Vlad replied to this.


          Language still failed on German

          What does this mean?

          startside is still starting the startside and not the homepage...heavy sigh.

          Sorry for that! I think we did not pull language update for this release (right @dino ? ) We'll do it for the next one.

          • dino replied to this.

            Vlad Yes, we didn't pulled new translations after 0.99.123

              No one is typing