Opening a pdf on the Canvas LMS website causes continuous reloading
Vlad Compatibility mode actually causes the process to crash faster, after only two reloads (Compat mode off takes 3-5 reloads). The only extension with access to the site is Bitwarden.
I got the RC from the Discord server, since I've had Contributor access there since before this site opened. I don't use this site much (there was a long period where I didn't contribute) so I haven't yet gotten to 10 points.
Same results in a fresh profile in both normal and compatability mode. While I don't have Safari TP to test newer Webkit vs newer Webkit, Safari 16.2 (17614., 17614) loads the pdf viewer normally.
Inability to reproduce this will hinder debugging the issue.
I am having this exact same issue with the new official Orion update, upon installation, any posts that include a pdf preview immediately lead to continuous reloading. As far as I can tell it is not caused by any extensions. For the time being, I will have to access Canvas through Safari.
I am having the same issue on the speedgrader page. It displays the submission window where a variety of file types atempt to load. It looks like it may be due to the following:
[Error] Resource blocked by content blocker
[Error] Fetch API cannot load due to access control checks.
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This may be a less important issue for the Orion team, but there may be a way to get a guest account in Canvas. I haven't tried this myself, but Canvas offers free trials. To test this issue, you would upload a pdf to a test page and attempt to show the viewer.
I just donated $10 to sponsor this issue, hopefully that will decrease the time it will take to get rid of it, so that I can go back to using only one browser. I just checked again, and the issue is still persistent.
BiggFloppa Thanks. Can you post exact steps to reproduce, assuming we do not even know what Canvas LMS is. So how to get there, create an account, reproduce the issue...
Vlad Not a problem, I have created instructions to recreate the issue!
Go to and select “Browse courses” on the top right, this should take you to the homepage and give you a few sample courses to pick from. To recreate the issue, go to the course called “Spreadsheet Automation” and then click on “Files”, click on “Class Examples” and it should take you to a folder containing a variety of files, click on, for example, “census_520.xls” which is the topmost file, do not download it, just click on it. The automatic refreshing should occur immediately. This is the case for most file previews such as .pdf files and .docx files (examples of .docx files can be found on the homepage under the course called “Video Mystery Shopping” and going into the “Files”). This issue makes it very hard to use canvas as many assignments require the use of file previews, and this constant refreshing makes it impossible to view any pages with previews.
I can confirm that this is a universal issue on a completely fresh install and no amount of blocker settings changes will fix it. As a university student this is my biggest issue with Orion and essentially the reason not to consider it as my primary browser.
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macshaughnessy3 I am having the same issues. I used canvas daily for grading and speedgrader never had problems, but now it just continuously trys to refresh the page, just like others here are saying. Worked fine for me on version 0.99.122 and started having problems when I updated to Is there a way to just go back to an older version?
Honestly I haven’t tried to I’m sure you can it looks like the download is still 122 on their website.
macshaughnessy3 Unfortunatly no, I tried that. Thanks for the suggestion though. It seems to auto-update each time it's re-installed. Unless I'm missing something...
You can find the download link to older version in Orion docs
It will not auto update unless you permit it to do that.
Vlad Perfect! Thank you! That worked great! Hoping this overall issue with canvas file previews can still be fixed in the future. I love Orion!
Steps to reproduce:
I went to Canvas for my uni, and when I tried to open today's lecture slides, the pdf viewer kept reloading and reloading, making reading the slides impossible. This issue has not happened on any other browser I've tried thus far.
Expected behavior:
I expected the pdf to just open and stay open, being in a readable state.
Orion, OS version; hardware type:
Orion Version (WebKit 615.1.16.1)
OS: macOS Monterey Version 12.3
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