I'm switching from Arc to Orion+ as well. I'm using vertical tabs with a few workspaces, but I really miss the automatic tab cleanup. It was so nice to start fresh every morning. Also @vlad once a tab is closed you can still get it back by searching the history.

The other thing that just does not work well is the iCloud Password chrome plugin. It works OK from the extension icon in the main menu bar, but I cannot get it to fill a password for me when clicking in the login or password fields.

a month later

Seeing as this is a feature in the iOS app, it seems strange a user isn't allowed to choose the same behaviour on macOS.

    Brief Summary
    This feature is for when you have a lot of open tabs, and you don't want to have to close then manually, so the browser would close tabs that have not been accessed for a certain amout of time.

    A user would go to the settings page, change the default timer(could be 15 minutes) to what they choose, and as he leaves tabs open, the timer for that tab starts, and if the user did not access that tab before the timer runs out, the browser closes the tab.

    Other options the user would have on the settings would be to select if pinned tabs, or tabs that are playing sound should have a timer. Also would be nice to set certain domains to not have a timer. All the tabs closed this way should go to the history like every other tab, so if the timer for a tab has run out you could go there to reopen the tab.

    There's an extension that does this, but it doesn't work well with Orion, and I believe a "native" implementation would be more stable, scince they're not looking to make the extension compatible with webkit based browsers, so there's a good chance functionallity will break more in the future.

    • Vlad replied to this.

      Doesnt Low Power mode only suspend them?

      I think the ask is for closing them. I dont know if there are multiple browsers doing this, I only know it from Arc.
      Which im not sure how could be implemented here. Arc closes tabs and puts them in an "archive" which you can easily access later. and there concept of "pinned tabs" is very different, bassicly any tab dragged over a line in the vertical tab bar is considered "pinned" and will not auto close.

      So.. to conclude its super different and alot of things would have to change to have something similar. unless people would be fine with tabs just closing automatically and then only being able to acces them again from other then history

        Vlad As Longely said, Low Power mode only suspends them, and when using it I found the timer too "short", so I would like to be able to change the time manually. If possible, a "ok" in between solution for me would be having the option to change the behavior when the timer runs out(change from suspend to close), and chose the time for the timer.

        • Vlad replied to this.

          Gartunius So you are basically asking for two new settings in the Settings somewhere, the timer for low power mode and what to do when the timer is up (suspend/close)?

          Can you change your original post to reflect this ask more preisely?

            Vlad I meant that the settings(timer control, and type of action) for low power mode would be a "acceptable/good enough" solution if the effort to implement the whole feature was too big to make sense. If possible I still want the feature as described on the initial request.

            • Vlad replied to this.

              Vlad It's different beacuse on the initial request there's more things, like being able to select if a domain, for example youtube.com, won't have a timer for it, if tabs that are playing sound should have a timer, where as in the "good enough solution" there would only be the setting for how long the timer should be and if tabs would close or suspend.

                9 days later

                If I understand correctly, one good implementation of what you want is what arc does with closing it's tabs. How every x amount of hours, all your tabs except pinned tabs are closed??

                  whitemamba I haven't used Arc myself, so I can't say for sure, but from what I've heard, it's a good implementation. If possible it would be useful to also have the exception by domain, that's really usefull for youtube and github for example, so I don't lose hard to find stuff withouth having to pin everything.

                    4 months later

                    I've been daily driving Arc and having it clear out my tabs based on my preferred time to clear them is quite nice. It actually forces me to read and be more cautious on which tabs I have open, increasing productivity.

                    whitemamba you're pretty spot on with how it works. It archives tabs based on the users defined preference: 24h, 7d, 30d, never. One can also find auto-closed tabs in a special history container so they can easily restore auto-closed tabs.
                    It keeps only the pinned tabs in that browsing space. I suppose one could define a URL whitelist/blaclist to make it more customisable for the end-user which would be nice to have but it'd also increase the scope.

                      a year later

                      I would like to have an option that Orion Browser auto-close NON-PINNED / FAV tabs after a day. Pinned ones should stay there.

                      I am one of the users who heavily uses multiple tabs in single session and does not close them after each visit. This then accumulates to 20+ Tabs opened during a session.

                      I know the Arc Browser has this functionality and it was god-send. It helps me do 'garbage collection' for me and it saves me time to manually closing some old tabs I have had opened in the past.

                      The feature should be presented in the Settings as an optional toggle, where Non-Pinned tabs would be auto-closed after a selected period of time since they were opened.

                      Merged 1 post from Auto Close Tabs on Desktop version.
                        4 months later

                        I'd like to enthusiastically support this too.

                        Closing tabs shouldn't be homework. I want to open tabs as I need them, and unless pinned, have them just close behind me after a time. In Arc, I used 12 hours, but some configuration would be nice. At no point should I need to manually go through my tabs, clicking a bunch of close buttons or Cmd-W...that's busy work, and it doesn't serve me.

                        I do not want them suspended, I want them closed (unless pinned of course)

                        Low power mode is also a nice option, but it's clearly oriented around power by suspending the tab. That's useful, , but it's a very different feature and fills a different need.

                          2 months later
                          Merged 16 posts from Time based auto close tabs.
                            9 days later
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