Reducing width of vertical bar
Microsoft Edge allows vertical tabs in either a "compact" mode where only thumbnails are shown, or a full-width toolbar mode, as shown in this article ( links don't seem to work for me...). I would appreciate this sort of mode or a keyboard shortcut to show/hide the tab bar as screen real estate is at a premium when I'm using my laptop on the go. Thank you!
One of the reason I use edge as my daily web browser is that it has vertical tabs. not only that but it also has the option to collapse the side bar so it's minimized and out of the way so that I can maximize my screen for the contents of the website; and when I want to browse my tabs, upon mouse hover, it expands the side bar so I can fully read the titles.
When I heard that Orion is doing similar but with Webkit, I was so excited! So can U please consider giving us this option? cause that and PWAs were the two main features I missed when using Safari.
tnx in advance and keep up the good work
This already exists? Hide sidebar in the menu bar, and in full screen when you hover on the side it pops back up again until you hover off.
TheOtherKai Yeah it kinda exist but the implementation is not the same as edge. U see Edge has the option to minimize the sidebar automatically so your screen real state is maximized. and whenever you hover over the side bar it collapses to show the name of the tabs so you can see all your open tabs at a glance. and in my opinion that's very useful.
but here at Orion U have to manually hide and show the sidebar from the menu bar which is not convenient at all.
Would also like it if we can set it to auto hide and appear when mouse goes to edge.
motech but that already exists...
TheOtherKai yeah you are right. but it would be nice to have this feature at anytime not just when the browser is in full screen
A smaller width for the icon-only vertical tab would be great. Also it will keep the traffic light buttons not off centered.
also the arrow for sub-tab is really inconsistent
One option so that the traffic lights do not get in the way would be to do it like this:
all the toolbar icons would be on top, and the sidebar would not intersect with the toolbar.
a few problems - if this were to happen, the sidebar would feel more like a second-class citizen, as part of a webpage rather than part of the app. also, it would look a bit weird if bookmarks bar was enabled
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I'd like to see that the minimum vertical tab bar width would be almost half the width of the current minimum, as its mostly whitespace as soon as the tabs shrink to their icons, anyway.
Also an option to auto expand the bar on mouse hover would be nice, to be able to read the tab titles e.g. when switching tabs
Addendum: I'd also prefer that the vertical bar has the same color as the top bar. I assume that you currently mimic the esthetic of other native MacOS apps like Preview, but for me the color difference intuitively indicates a "temporary" GUI element, that needs my attention and is unnecessarily distracting...
regarding ur "Addendum", i doublt this will be considered. just take a look at safari, finder, maps
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Brief Summary
Orion's vertical tabs are resizable, and can be made fairly small and compact. However, Brave's new vertical tabs feature has a compact mode that's (IMO) significantly better:
- You can click on a button in the tab bar to switch from compact to "wide".
- When compact, only the icon of the tab is visible, and the tab bar becomes very compact, taking up as little space as possible.
- When compact, you can hover over the tab bar to make temporarily wide, allowing you to visually search for tabs by title. As soon as your mouse moves away, the tab bar goes back to being compact. The temporarily wide tab bar doesn't change the viewport, it floats over it.
In contrast, this is the smallest I can get orion's vertical tab bar to be:
And hovering over the tab bar doesn't show me all tab titles, so if I have a bunch of tabs with the same icons (or worse, a deeply nested set of tabs), I still need the horizontal tab bar to visually search for the one I want.
I think this is a significantly better user experience than Orion's right now (and any vertical tabs extension for FF AFAIK), and I would love to have it in Orion so I can finally turn off the horizontal tab bar.
(For those wondering why my windows are the aspect ratio they are: I use yabai to tile my windows, so most times I have two split windows on my screen. This is yet another reason why I'd love to have the vertical tab bar be as small as possible while being usable on a narrow window.)