I feel the vertical bar has a lot of wasted space when one is viewing only icons -

It's alright when I am viewing the names of the web pages.

    6 days later
    2 months later

    Comparing to other browsers orion takes a lot more space with its vertical tabs

    can you please add a compact vertical tabs mode

    It's unnecessary to use the space that you do just for a small favicon. you could make it less wide


      a month later
      Merged 2 posts from compact vertical tabs.

        Alternatively, it could be nice if larger siteicons could be shown, but of couse in the wild many/most are likely to just have the 16x16 'old' standard, vs larger site icons offered for mobile browsers to "save to homescreen".

          3 months later

          I feel like in the expanded view with visible titles there's also a lot of unused horizontal space

            emvaized What unused space is discussed exactly? The only unused space is to the left of the down arrow but this is necessary for UX as otherwise control would be glued to the edge of the window.

              Vlad Sorry if it was unclear from my picture. I meant the padding between favicon and title, and also the padding to the left of favicon – which I think is "reserved" for the arrow, but clearly not every tab has one.

              • Vlad replied to this.

                emvaized Even if there is no arrow you need to keep hierarchy of the tree. I suppose we can reduce padding between favicon and title to be the same like on the left to the arrow. But any gains in space this way will be lost by the request to increase the title font from the other card.

                  Possible solution to this may be displaying the arrow above the favicon, the way it's done in Firefox's Sidebery:

                  And don't display it for expanded tree at all, since the indentation of child tabs already indicates the tree:

                  Or use VS Code-alike lines to highlight the tree structure – like in TreeStyleTabs with custom extension:

                  But I'm not sure, how well it would fit the Orion's design.

                  But any gains in space this way will be lost by the request to increase the title font from the other card

                  Which means, there will be no information loss if the font size gets increased 😀

                  2 months later

                  I like the MS Edge implementation where you only get the icon of the site and when you hover it you get additional controls like close button etc. Unfortunately the vertical tab bar in Orion right now is too fat for me to use it.

                    8 months later

                    +1 for the MS edge implementation

                    It’s the most useful and I got hooked on it instantly!

                    saves space and it’s design that “doesn’t get in the way”

                    (With the only addition to be able to disable nesting altogether as a user preference)

                      I've been using the following implementation of the sidebar alongside Firefox for the past few years.

                      I believe a collapsible sidebar would be beneficial for smaller screens - as sites are easily identifiable with the sidebar favicon, and full page titles are given upon hover.

                        This would be a welcome addition for the vertical tabs people. As long as the hover duration to expand the sidebar isn’t an eternity like Microsoft Edge’s version, I vote for it.

                        s2e3440z I don't like this. I don't like the fact that you have to use the mouse. Perhaps a keyboard toggle would be better, albeit still not in line with native macOS standards, as there aren't any applications which show the sidebar like that.

                          Fortrikka Well, keyboard shortcuts still work fine - in my opinion, the only time I would ever need to see the titles are if I was hovering over to click them, otherwise, cmd+1...cmd+9 and ctrl+tab are great based only off of favicons.

                            a year later

                            Folks; it’s okay if you don’t like it!

                            Just make it optionally auto expand/contract for those of us who do.

                            This is the reason why I use MS Edge over other browser right now.

                            It’s a deal breaker for people who want to focus on the webpage content and forget for a second that we have 20000 tabs open.

                            And if we’re talking about “MacOS design guides”, what about the auto hiding Dock? That’s not even minimized it completely disappears.

                            So suggestion: auto expanding sidebar on hover (opt-in option in settings)