Instead of having profiles open in a new window have the option to swap between profiles so when you change it closes one profile (and saves it) and opens the one you selected

    Again this is something where Arc browser has the closest to perfect implementation, although it is also not without its flaws. In Arc you can without interruption switch between profiles within your browser window / chrome, bit like switching tabs.

    Although I can understand the wish to be able to swap between profiles, I am personally happy with the possibility of having multiple profiles run concurrently.
    Saying this just to be sure that the requested feature shouldn't replace the current implementation -- but should be a choice of the user.

    3 months later

    Is there a reason why this is still Under Review? its kinda one of the things keeping me from using profiles in Orion. further more the way Orion deals with profiles also forces me to close Orion 3 times if have 3 profiles open.

      Orion's profiles are fully sandboxed. For privacy minded users this is an incredible benefit. This also allows profiles to run as seperate app which has other benefits.

      We understand that some user prefer profile implemntation that is different but

      a) we have limited resources
      b) not everything can/should be an option.

        Ok. thanks. it was just a bit unclear to me if there was a conceptual issue with it or if its just to much work for now.

        But it seems like you are saying its a bit of both.

          a month later

          Perhaps a good compromise to allow keeping the current ability to run multiple profiles at the same time (which is extremely valuable) would be to use the current action when selecting the profile in the menu bar, but set it up to allow option-clicking to replace the current profile (by "replace" I mean launch the new one then quit the old one). This would somewhat be in the same spirit as the macOS functionality of option-clicking a window of another app hiding the current app while switching, as well as the well-worn practice of offering alternate functionality throughout menu bars when option is held. Visual feedback could be provided by replacing the the small "{N} windows" text underneath the profile's name with e.g. "Swap Profiles" when option is held.

          • Vlad replied to this.

            adamaveray Good idea. This would be easy to do but I am afraid it would not be discoverable at all. Any ideas how to mitigate this>

              Vlad I guess aside from adding it to the Profiles section of the Orion User Guide it would suffer from the same lack of discoverability as all other βŒ₯-based menu bar changes throughout the system, where it would be functionality there for those who know about without complicating things for those who don't.

              • Vlad replied to this.
                4 months later

                Vlad This is a feature that would work well, which could be implemented as follows:

                • the profile selector remains in the address bar or is moved to the side like in the new safari in macos Sonoma but when creating a profile, a toggle option appears to set the default behavior of switching to that profile, with the choice between opening a new window or swapping within the same window. Also, if the option is set to swap in the current window, command-clicking on the profile opens it in the new window.

                • I have to admit, arc's implementation is almost flawless, the two finger left and right swipe between spaces that can be associated to a profile is seamless, but still, in orion is just one clikc away so it doesn't take much effort, it can only be improved with the option to not open a new window but rather swap the current one.

                thanks a lot πŸ™‚


                  In addition, it would be awsome to be able to set filters so that certain links automatically open in a specific profile:

                  for example, all links containin:

                  • youtube.com will open in: es. entertainment profile
                  • amazon.com will open in: es. shopping profile

                  and so on πŸ™‚

                    a month later

                    Tinholoco Yes this is definitely needed or a way to easily move a tab from one profile to another.
                    e.g. I have an email from work - links should open in work profile - from social media then open in a social media profile

                    Currently which profile do links open in?

                      a year later
                      15 days later

                      Having to deal with links that often open in the "wrong" profile, I'd be interested in a perhaps simpler "reopen tab in Profile X" feature (not so much a "swap all tabs of this window to Profile X", but that's me).

                      Possible implementations could be:

                      • A keyboard shortcut (to be set in the Profile settings)
                      • For the Profiles menu in the location bar, simply having picking another profile would reopen the tab in the chosen profile. (I thought the feature would work that way initially.)
                      • Alternatively, in both Profiles menu (the one in the App menu and the one in the location bar), a submenu item that says "Reopen β€˜PageName’ in Profile X"

                      πŸ™‡β€β™‚οΈ Thanks!

                        24 days later

                        louije You sort of can do that
                        Ricght click on the tab in the sidebar
                        You have the option Move tree and that option offers Profile or new window

                          a month later


                          I am just wondering if you could share more light how Orion achieved to run profiles as separate apps.
                          Is it just a copy of main app? In applications I only see 1 Orion app package but each profile is recognized as separate browser through system settings.

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