
    • 9 days ago
    • Joined 14 Jan
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    • No change ever makes everyone happy, it would seem! But further down, I'd love a way to disable the auto-hiding feature (as I currently don't use the sidebar at all). ♥

    • Having to deal with links that often open in the "wrong" profile, I'd be interested in a perhaps simpler "reopen tab in Profile X" feature (not so much a "swap all tabs of this window to Profile X", but that's me).

      Possible implementations could be:

      • A keyboard shortcut (to be set in the Profile settings)
      • For the Profiles menu in the location bar, simply having picking another profile would reopen the tab in the chosen profile. (I thought the feature would work that way initially.)
      • Alternatively, in both Profiles menu (the one in the App menu and the one in the location bar), a submenu item that says "Reopen ‘PageName’ in Profile X"

      🙇‍♂️ Thanks!