Hey, thanks for all the great work on this browser!

Right now moving the tabs between other windows behaviour is kinda similar to Safari - it's not entirely the same, but it looks like it builded upon Safari's implementation with a few other improvements. There's a couple of suggestions I have that I think would greatly enhance the tab moving mechanic in Orion:

  • when the user starts dragging tab outside of its regular "boundaries", do NOT wait for the user to release the mouse click to spawn a new window, but rather do it as soon as the tab exits its boundaries, much like Chrome does in its implementation. I prefer instant feedback of what I'm doing compared to only getting it after I finish the action.

  • this builds upon the first suggestion. Right now, if you want to move a tab between the windows, you have to right click it and move it from within the context menu. While this is fine, I'd like to have added flexibility of being able to simply drag-and-drop it to another window like Chrome does. That mechanic feels very intuitive and allows me to be very "nimble" in switching tabs without having to resort to right-click menus etc.

    9 months later
    ForumNinja404 changed the title to Merge tabs by dragging them between windows .
      a month later

      Small clarification on what I mean by merging:

      The idea is that to merge a tab from one window into a second window - you can simply drag the tab into the said window and it will get attached as you would expect. On WebKit-based browsers I have to resort to the "Window" menu in the menu bar to do the same thing

        12 days later

        I can understand why the "instant feedback" of the Chrome approach is appealing, originally it was for me too.

        FWIW — over time I've found it can actually be a bit troublesome as the immediately created window can then make it harder to get the Tab to actually accept being dropped 'back' into another window, or just generally get in the way while dragging.


          Interesting take!

          Yeah, from all of the suggestions mentioned in this thread, I don't think the "instant feedback" is crucial. It would be a nice to have, but absolutely not crucial.

          I gave this feature another go today, and found out that this:

          this builds upon the first suggestion. Right now, if you want to move a tab between the windows, you have to right click it and move it from within the context menu. While this is fine, I'd like to have added flexibility of being able to simply drag-and-drop it to another window like Chrome does. That mechanic feels very intuitive and allows me to be very "nimble" in switching tabs without having to resort to right-click menus etc.

          actually already works, but only IF the tab that I want to drag into another window is within a window that has MULTIPLE tabs already, but not a single one.

          See screenshot - in this instance, dragging Google into the left window would work exactly as I'd expect it to, which is awesome! However, if the "Google" was the only tab in the right window, this would not be possible, since Orion inherently doesn't show the tab at all if the tab a single one within a given window. Is it possible to have it behave the same as if there were multiple tabs? I'm not sure what would be the best UX for this, but just a suggestion.

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