I understand this is a feature but I'm not really used to this type of tabs grouping based on the parent that they were created from and I'd like a flat list of tabs. Is there a setting for this that I'm not seeing?

    3 months later

    Just upgraded to 0.99.123 – I'm curious where this setting is in the interface? I've searched everythere :-)

    Can't find the setting :/

      +1 for location of setting

      I wrote a thank you post for the developer, I hope this feature is here for real 😄

      • phy likes this.

      Hahaha! Glad I'm not the only one puzzled by where this is...

        I wish the sidebar could go even thinner when nesting is disabled

        • phy replied to this.

          i believe there is already a thread about thinner sidebar. I think you should look for it and upvote (comment)

            jvacek Well done!!

            And agreed it would be nice to basically be 1/2 what is currently the minimum sidebar width. Here's thread about sidebar width.

              jvacek Good job ! Do you have a suggestionwhere should we surface it elsewhere as is such a niche feature.

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