catch-22 I agree.

What do you suggest we do? Are we not getting enough value from Tools and Extensions menus to justify their presence? Is there some other way to reshuffle menus.

    Using a 14" here and hadn't spotted this, since I was using it in the smallest scaled mode possible (to get maximum usable screen real-estate).

    In that scaled mode it's "fine" in my view - Help is about 2cm to the left of the notch.

    When turning it to "regular" scaling, my observation (aside from ouch, everything is huge, it feels like Fisher Price!) is that there's too many menus.

    Some thoughts:

    1. Developer menu could be hidden by default, with a preferences option that users can enable. I appreciate it being there by default, normal users maybe less so. Arguably "hiding" the developer tools a bit could help users avoid being phished (though most sites now pop prompts in the console warning people before they type)

    2. I think Extensions doesn't quite belong as a top-level menu, though I appreciate I don't have a better suggestion right now. I've never been convinced it's a top level menu item, but I don't know where is "right" for it? Maybe a submenu of Tools?

    3. As an observation, I never use bookmarks... Not saying the menu isn't needed, but just throwing it out there as a thought. Could there be another better way to interact with bookmarks that isn't a menu? Functionally, history and bookmarks both are imperfect ways to deliver the same thing - finding stuff you looked at before, and want to look at again.

      gp on point 3: same here.
      I also rarely every use the History menu, and when I do I usually want to go to a dedicated history tab/window to look further in the history than is practical/possible in a menu.

      Personally I wouldn't be opposed to "hiding" History and Bookmarks under a single Library menu item. They are also brought together in a Library window (view > Show Library) so the connection is already made. A future reading list feature is another thing that could end up under this menu item.
      The Extensions menu could then go there as well, but I personally don't agree that extensions fit under the term "Library".

      P.S.: quick win/marginal gain: "Develop" is shorter than "Developer".

      • Vlad replied to this.

        For starters, I think the spacing between each item should be reduced.

        Piggybacking on gp's comment:

        1. Agree that the Developer menu should be hidden by default

        2. I had already talked about the Extensions positioning before. If it's that outrageous to just put it under Orion's settings menu, I agree that under Tools wouldn't be terrible

        3. I barely use bookmarks too, but no idea where it would go otherwise. That's one of the basic browser features and users expect to see it there


          P.S.: quick win/marginal gain: "Develop" is shorter than "Developer".

          Wouldnt "Dev" be even shorter?

          Perhaps moving Extensions under Tools as a submenu and reducing Developer to Dev would remedy the issue?


            Sounds a good approach to me to try out.

              Vlad yes go for it, although I still think slightly reducing the spacing between each item will be needed

                • Reducing the spacing between each menu item
                • Rename Developer to Dev
                • Move Extensions menu under Tools (as a submenu, on top)

                  Vlad "Dev" sounds and looks meh. Sorry, I don't really know how to articulate my thought on this one other than that it's almost too short...

                  I'd rather see "Develop" over "Dev" and "Developer", like Safari.

                  No one is typing