That worked for me
Fastmail Not Loading
Just want to chime in and say that I had this happen to me as well. Signing in with the "stay signed in" option unchecked worked finally, but I had to manually clear cookies/local storage then login from the main home page.
Definitely super frustrating to keep getting logged out on a regular basis because I can't check that box without breaking the entire app. Is there any progress on figuring out the cause? I only have the Bitwarden extension installed, nothing else as far as extensions go.
bitwalker I have the same issue. The tip on unchecking the "stay signed in" option got me in.
- Edited
@Vlad Are you able to replicate this and potentially fix this by checking the "Stay signed in" option on sign-in? This works fine in Safari and is pretty annoying.
Edit: Compatability mode partially worked for me (in that the tickbox still causes issues, but I was able to get an account to login):
Orion > Preferences > Websites tab > Compatability Mode from the list > click the + icon > add
We will be upgrading WebKit in the next release and expect it to solve the problem.
We were able to fix the problem (was caused by improper service worker handling). Fix landing in th next release.
I just want to say thanks to Vlad for his November 18, 2022 - post.
I have had this problem in Firefox and it was frustrating. And his mentioning the improper service worker helped me fix this by unregistering the darn service and allowing it to re-register!