I use a 1440p screen without scaling (I like the UI being smaller as it makes room for more content) but that makes text hard to read, so I usually set Chrome and other browsers to 125% default zoom level.

Setting zoom level individually per page is great and should trump the default one but it's tedious to set it on every page you visit.

I think it's a sane feature that will help with my eyesight a lot.

    isakkeyten There's already a setting for the default zoom on all pages in the preferences window, on the Websites tab

      Damn my bad, thanks for letting me know.

      Do you know why it doesn't show up inside the Help->Search window?

        In Menu Bar, Orion -> Preferences -> Websites Tab -> Page Zoom in Left List, You can find this configuration. 🙂

          isakkeyten not sure to be honest with you, someone from the dev team would need to chime in on that.

            isakkeyten When you set zoom level, Orion remembers it per site already.

              6 months later

              isakkeyten things in settings arent searchable there. that only searches the menu item elements

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