TytusPlanck The screenshot does not tell us whether the memory use is justified or not.

Can you share exact steps to reproduce and compare to say Safari in same circumstances 9including replicating extensions if you use them)?


    A restart of Orion (with the same amount of tabs) cleared the memory issue. If it arises it again, I'll grab a few more data points and reply to this issue!

      Merged 4 posts from Orion using large amounts of memory without releasing it.
        4 days later

        Steps to reproduce:
        1 - Open Orion and note small main process memory usage (about 100 MB).
        2 - Use Orion normally for a few days, mostly Kagi searches and browsing Amazon, Github and Stackoverflow.
        3 - Observe very high memory usage for main process (14.5 GB).
        4 - Closing all tabs (but not the application itself) does not result in memory reduction.

        Expected behavior:
        Orion should maintain a relatively stable memory footprint and reduce its memory usage as tabs are closed.

        Orion, OS version; hardware type:
        Orion (WebKit 614.1.20)
        macOS Version 12.2.1 (Build 21D62)


        • Vlad replied to this.
          Merged 2 posts from Main process memory leak over time with normal usage.


            Use Orion normally for a few days

            We will need better steps to reproduce than this. My Orion instance is up 5 days and main process consumes 400mb.

              8 days later

              Steps to reproduce:
              I basically was just casual browsing on youtube and a couple of other sites. Left my mac open while I went out, came back with warning that my mac ran out of RAM, with the list of applications opened in the attached screenshot. Orion was eating 24GB~ of RAM, funny thing is my mac only had 8 gb of ram so i don't really get it.

              Expected behavior:
              Don't eat my RAM

              Orion, OS version; hardware type:
              Macos Monterey 12.6


              • Vlad replied to this.
                Merged 2 posts from Orion eating too much RAM.

                  grizz Please provodie exact steps to reproduce and comaprison with a similar browser (SafarI) in similar circumstances (same tabs and extensions running).

                    I had this problem too. I had four Windows of Orion with a mix of sites in each, maybe 5-10. I don't have specific details as I wasn't actively using it, but it popped up from MacOS similar to screen shot above. If it happens again I will provide more details.

                      3 months later

                      Just installed Orion and used it for 3 hours maybe, wtf..

                      • Vlad replied to this.

                        Just browsing with 25 tabs open, downloading some pdf.
                        Console - > Jetsam Event , bug type 298
                        Log report example:
                        "memoryStatus" : {
                        "compressorSize" : 1095287,
                        "compressions" : 3343688410,
                        "decompressions" : 3128747106,
                        "zoneMapCap" : 12478562304,
                        "largestZone" : "vm objects",
                        "largestZoneSize" : 463159296,
                        "pageSize" : 16384,
                        "uncompressed" : 12800763,
                        "zoneMapSize" : 2217295872,
                        "memoryPages" : {
                        "active" : 313212,
                        "throttled" : 0,
                        "fileBacked" : 175114,
                        "wired" : 318531,
                        "anonymous" : 450269,
                        "purgeable" : 0,
                        "inactive" : 312155,
                        "free" : 1155,
                        "speculative" : 16
                        "largestProcess" : "Orion",
                        "genCounter" : 1,
                        "processes" : [
                        "uuid" : "753b5d54-18c2-3925-bf33-f1ca02fb7efb",
                        "states" : [

                        "purgeable" : 0,
                        "age" : 8446691917,
                        "fds" : 50,
                        "coalition" : 436,
                        "rpages" : 68,
                        "priority" : 0,
                        "physicalPages" : {
                          "internal" : [
                        "freeze_skip_reason:" : "none",
                        "pid" : 7644,
                        "cpuTime" : 0.013124,
                        "name" : "cfprefsd",
                        "lifetimeMax" : 73

                        "uuid" : "dc230beb-5a4d-370b-8e70-8478d6f545d8",
                        "states" : [

                        "purgeable" : 0,
                        "age" : 8453359656,
                        "fds" : 50,
                        "coalition" : 420,
                        "rpages" : 265,
                        "priority" : 0,
                        "physicalPages" : {
                          "internal" : [
                        "freeze_skip_reason:" : "none",
                        "pid" : 7637,
                        "cpuTime" : 0.112409,
                        "name" : "com.apple.geod",
                        "lifetimeMax" : 287

                        "uuid" : "6184086d-af44-3d2c-b52a-71ec3599a635",
                        "states" : [

                        "idleDelta" : 773344247,
                        "purgeable" : 0,
                        "age" : 188763640195,
                        "fds" : 50,
                        "coalition" : 694,
                        "rpages" : 189,
                        "priority" : 0,
                        "physicalPages" : {
                          "internal" : [
                        "freeze_skip_reason:" : "none",
                        "pid" : 95803,
                        "cpuTime" : 0.048828000000000003,
                        "name" : "cdpd",
                        "lifetimeMax" : 199


                        • Vlad replied to this.

                          lauraai Thanks. I have Orion open for 7+ days, with 100+ tabs and have nowhere near the memory usage (it is 11GB which sounds about right). So the above are not steps to reproduce.

                          Can you go from a clean Orion install and tell us how to get to unreasonable memory usage?

                            13 days later

                            I've been encountering issues similar to those reported by other here - glad it's not just me but while I like this browser a lot it is becoming unreliable.
                            The out of memory state was so bad last night that it crashed my M1 Mac Mini. No application I've used in recent years (apart from CC) has ever caused that to happen.
                            I'm using minimal extensions (Social Fixer for Facebook, OneTab) and thought that this would be a better solution than using Brave.
                            I'll continue to check this thread periodically but will probably be better to stick with Brave until this issue has been addressed. Perhaps I'll perform some tests using Brave for comparison but I've been using it for a long time and even with multiple windows containing MANY tabs I haven't encountered a similar issue.
                            Thanks for your efforts.

                            • Vlad replied to this.

                              dvmac00 Are you able to reproduce that state at all?

                                It may have been an extreme circumstance as I had a lot going on at the time but I'm monitoring the situation to see if I can identify some specifics.
                                Currently reading up on Apple Silicon and how Ventura OS handles memory management to try to understand better.
                                If I find out anything useful I'll post back.

                                  dvmac00 Thank you, much appreciated. It would be crucial to be able to reproduce the issue.

                                  dvmac00 Btw I should say it is not necessary to understand Ventura's memory handling, it is enough to point to difference in the way Safari uses memory under same circumstances. If Orion is using way more under same scenario (and you have steps to reproduce) that would be fantastic.

                                    Steps to reproduce:
                                    Updated to the latest version of Orion with Final Cut Pro open.

                                    Expected behavior:
                                    For it not to be using 42gb

                                    Orion, OS version; hardware type:
                                    Macbook pro 14 24core, 32gb ram, 512gb

                                    <Copy/paste or drag and drop to upload images or videos (up to 20MB)>