
    • Jan 6, 2023
    • Joined Oct 12, 2022
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    • It may have been an extreme circumstance as I had a lot going on at the time but I'm monitoring the situation to see if I can identify some specifics.
      Currently reading up on Apple Silicon and how Ventura OS handles memory management to try to understand better.
      If I find out anything useful I'll post back.

      • I've been encountering issues similar to those reported by other here - glad it's not just me but while I like this browser a lot it is becoming unreliable.
        The out of memory state was so bad last night that it crashed my M1 Mac Mini. No application I've used in recent years (apart from CC) has ever caused that to happen.
        I'm using minimal extensions (Social Fixer for Facebook, OneTab) and thought that this would be a better solution than using Brave.
        I'll continue to check this thread periodically but will probably be better to stick with Brave until this issue has been addressed. Perhaps I'll perform some tests using Brave for comparison but I've been using it for a long time and even with multiple windows containing MANY tabs I haven't encountered a similar issue.
        Thanks for your efforts.

        • Vlad replied to this.
        • Maybe related but I have experienced video playback issues on several pages containing embedded video. These include YouTube and Twitter video links as well as Facebook.
          Curently using MacOs Monterey 12.5 on M1 Mac Mini with 16gb ram.