Vlad Okay, I'm gonna go do the tests again and see.

I'll only have 1 tab open and that is https://orionfeedback.org/d/1669-ram-usage-seems-high/3. I'll also restart both browsers first and see. I also have no extensions currently enabled.


Total Memory: 260.7 MB


Total Memory: 241.6 MB

The difference between Orion and Safari is: 19.1 MB.

EDIT: It seems that Orion's Memory Usage has gone up by a tiny bit whilst I was writing this.

Total Memory: 294.5 MB

(I'm currently using Orion Version (WebKit 614.1.2).)

    As for me, with only one tab (this forum thread) open and no extensions enabled on either browser:



      5 days later

      That is inonclusive unfortuantely, few MB difference are normal with OS memory management. I get both browsers at 215MB in the same scenario.

      We are looking for the simplest case that has stark difference in memory used.

        4 months later

        Hey All,

        I have Orion installed, no extensions, running 12 tabs. One fo these is a Google Doc and one is Google Calendar.
        Here is the memory usage of Orion. I am on a MacPro M1.

        These are my top 4 processes under memory in activity monitor. Firefox is running 15 tabs 5 of which is Google related services, and have around 15 extensions installed.

        • Vlad replied to this.

          I started closing some tabs hoping that the memory usage would go down, but it is having the opposite effect. I am now down to 7 tabs(including this one) and this is the current memory stats:

            I eventually closed it down and reopened the browser. It has been running for around 2 hours now with three tabs open and memory usage is now at 75.8MB

              schalkneethling Hi, if posting a memory problem please include

              • exact steps to reproduce (including what URLs you opened)
              • compare the usage to safari in same configuration (same extensions etc)
              • the best if you show a video while doing this with activity monitor visible

              Otherwise the report is not actionable. Thanks

                8 months later
                Merged 12 posts from RAM usage seems high.

                  Steps to reproduce:
                  I was just using the browser looking at kogan (shopping). That was the only tab open. Even right now its taking excessive ram just for this one tab.

                  Expected behavior:
                  I expected the normal amount around 100-500mb or something. But no, its 1.06GB

                  Orion, OS version; hardware type:
                  I am fairly sure it is the latest orion.


                  • Vlad replied to this.

                    My extension are lastpass and grammarly.

                      Blopolot Please show steps to reproduce the problem, starting from a clean orion profile.

                        Vlad Where do I start from a clean profile?

                        • Vlad replied to this.

                          i've had this same issue, sometimes hitting 2-3 GB of ram being used by various orion processes.

                            Blopolot You can go to File -> Profiles -> New Profile to create a new profile (default settings, no extensions).. Then show us how to reproduce high RAM usage (bonus points if you can show that in the same circumstances Safari uses radically less RAM)

                              Vlad I started with a clean profile but it only reached 400mb, I'm not sure what is causing the issue. Also safari was only 100mb off on the same website.

                              Edit: back on the default profile, it is 1.96GB from being on a single website.

                              • Vlad replied to this.
                                5 days later

                                Vlad I am sorry, I forgor about this. I deleted my extensions and it solved the problem. I deleted my two extensions.

                                edit: it only reaches around 400mb

                                  Merged 9 posts from RAM usage is extremely high.

                                    For example, youtube.

                                    browser1 yt tab10 yt tabs

                                    these are all in MB.

                                    Orion RC (WebKit 614.1.12)
                                    2020 13" M1 macbook pro

                                    THis isn't a bug report, but the category that i felt it fit best in. I want to see if anyone else is experiencing similar things

                                    • Vlad replied to this.