Thanks a lot for building this amazing browser! Immediate subscribe to both orion+kagi šŸ™‚

I have Version (WebKit 614.1.12) and have installed multiple most popular extensions

  • DarkMode
  • Youtube Enhancer
  • 1password
  • Ī¼Block

as well as chrome extension store downloaded ones

  • Surfingkeys.

They all used to work but stopped after 2-3 hours:

  • if I click on the icon in the top bar, they all load indefinitely or don't respond to key presses. Note that some will load when clicking the icon but they still don't work.

things I've done to debug:


  • uninstall
  • Wipe my ~/Library/Application Support/Orion directory
  • Reinstall

Also simple things restarting computer of course.

This issue sounds similar to https://orionfeedback.org/d/1894-most-extensions-not-working - not sure if that was ever addressed since it was just tagged notfix.
Since none of the extensions work it seems unproductive to open an issue for each of them

Steps to reproduce:
Install extensions

Expected behavior:

Orion, OS version; hardware type:
Version (WebKit 614.1.12)


  • Vlad replied to this.

    Update - after crash they seem to work again (had not worked for multiple crashes so not sure what triggered)

      Update - not working again - they seem to indeterministically not work

        lazylizard42 Thanks. It seems like an isue that you can reproduce. Can you give us minimum steps to reproduce the issue?

          Hi Vlad - no like said above unfortunately it's very indeterministic. The only thing I can tell you is that with the setup above (see list of extensions, orion version & OS) it doesn't work 80% of the time - so I guess minimum steps to reproduce are "install orion at version at OS above, install extensions above, use it and 80% of cases extensions don't work". If there's debugging steps/logs that I can provide happy to.

          Unfortunately together with the freezing issues (whenever I ctrl-tab to Orion it freezes for 3-4 seconds) and somewhat regular crashes I have switched back to Edge for now.

          • Vlad replied to this.

            lazylizard42 Thanks for your effort. As you probably realize, we prioritize the issues we can readilly reproduce, given 1,500+ issues posted on the site.

              2 months later

              This issue has plagued my installation of Orion since 0.99.119 was released. I had tried resetting Orion before via the Debug menu, but this did not fix the issue.
              After rm-ing the ~/Library/Application Support/Orion to remove all extensions data, I went ahead and tested all the extensions I use on Firefox (minus Tree Style Tabs).

              Dark Reader by itself, works 95% of the time. It's not exact, but I would say every 7th reboot of Orion results in Dark Reader never loading in properly, just like in @lazylizard42's screenshot. This can be fixed by disabling and re-enabling Dark Reader in Extensions Manager.
              Enhancer for YouTube does not affect Dark Reader.

              However, the following extensions either lower this success rate or completely kill Dark Reader, every restart:

              • Rikaichamp
              • BetterTTV
              • Bitwarden
              • Multiselect for YouTube
              • Return YouTube Dislike
              • SponsorBlock for YouTube

              For the time being, I've taken refuge on Firefox with firefox-safari-style and Tree Style Tabs to emulate Orion's beautiful design:

              Vs. Orion and its natural beauty:

              Orion 0.99.119-beta (WebKit 615.1.1)
              macOS Version 13.0 (Build 22A5331f)

              Session Info:

              • Open windows => 1
              • Pinned tabs => 0
              • Active window tabs => 1
              • Active tab url => orion://newtab/

              Enabled Extensions:

              • Dark Reader (firefox)
              • Enhancer for YouTubeā„¢ (firefox)

              Disabled Extensions:

              Non Default Settings:

              • ContentBlockerLastUpdated => 2022-08-12 00:00:00 +0000
              • ShowFavoritesOnStartPage => 0
              • ShowTopSitesOnStartPage => 0
              • ShowReadingListOnStartPage => 0
              • ShowRecommendationsOnStartPage => 0
              • ShowBackgroundImageOnStartPage => 0
              • isBackgroundImageDarkOnStartPage => 1
              • overflowMenuItems => (
              • WebAutomaticSpellingCorrectionEnabled => 0
              • WebContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled => 0
              • WebAutomaticQuoteSubstitutionEnabled => 0
              • WebAutomaticDashSubstitutionEnabled => 0
              • ShouldShowWelcomeAnimation => 0
              • FirstLaunch => 0
              • FirstTimeWebExtensionNotice => 1
              • HomePageURL =>
              • HyperlinkAuditingEnabled => 0
              • LastUsedBuildVersion => 119
              • PreCompiledContentRuleListVersion => 119
              • LastCrashCheckDate => 2022-09-07 01:43:07 +0000
              • NetworkPredictionEnabled => 0
              • NextDownloadID => 26
              • SavedWindowSize => 1462.0,964.0
              • SavedWindowPosition => 109.0,31.0
              • TabStyle => treeStyle
              • BookmarksSidebarVisible => 1
              • BookmarksSidebarWidth => 279.5
              • QuitWithConfirmation => 0
              • ActiveLibraryTab => extensions
              • SyncEnabled => 1
              • BookmarksLastSynced => 1662514987615.837
              • ReadingListLastSynced => 1662514987616.419
              • Vlad replied to this.

                TheBitStick We prefer one issue per post on this site to be able to track them. Submitting extension issues is probably not very helpful though, as our extension support is still experimental (as clearly stated) and there are 300,000 extensions out there.

                  5 months later

                  Hi there,

                  I've Version (WebKit 615.1.16.1) installed, but a few popular extensions don't work yet, for example:

                  • 1Password
                  • Momentum
                    Both from Chrome and Firefox store.
                  • Vlad replied to this.

                    Can someone help me to find list of functioning chrome extensions because most of my favorite chrome extensions do not work?

                    Thank you

                    • Vlad replied to this.
                      a year later

                      possible if you could add support for this extension in specific? Its on chrome and the name is ā€œRestore old roblox server listā€ quite odd request but is it possible?

                        a year later
                        Merged 4 posts from Chrome extensions do not work.


                          Tried latest version of Orion (Version (WebKit 614.1.20)) with the hope that I'll see my extensions, which were made for firefox and chrome, working in this browser. But extensions simply do not work. Extensions I've tried (session buddy, marvelous suspender). Is such thing expected and Orion has only few, specific extensions working or am I doing something wrong?

                          Steps to reproduce:
                          You only need to install extensions to see that they are not working (session buddy, marvelous suspender)

                          Expected behavior:
                          I expect extensions to work as this is mentioned in Orion's features.

                          Orion Version (WebKit 614.1.20), MacOS Ventura 13.0.1, Apple Mac Mini M1:

                          • gp replied to this.


                            Many extensions do work. If you have particular issues with some, it may be worth documenting which these are.

                            You may find you don't need marvelous suspender on Orion, as there is a built-in "low power mode" which sounds like it might do similar.

                            Similarly, session buddy sounds a lot like Orion's built-in tab groups feature.


                              I even do not know how to document this - extensions simply do not work. I press on extensions button - and nothing is happening.

                              Now regarding your thoughts - "low power mode" is all or nothing. Marvelous suspender is more flexible (whitelists for example and other suspend/unsuspend options).
                              Session buddy is not exactly the same as tab groups as I can see. Can I search between all of my tabs? Can I autosave and have old versions of my sessions?