In Safari, if you are not currently editing a text field, cmd-shift-left and cmd-shift-right can be used to switch tabs. This appears to be unsupported in Orion (Version 0.99.113-beta (WebKit 613.1.12)).

(Somehow I never knew until today about the alternatives of cmd-[/cmd-] and ctrl-shift-tab/ctrl-tab, both of which work in Orion, Safari, Chrome, and even Terminal and iTerm. And unlike cmd-shift-left/cmd-shift-right, they don't stop working while editing text. But I'd like to keep using the shortcuts I'm familiar with…)

    There should be an option nto insted make it shifting for vertical tab hierarchy positions

      12 days later
      25 days later

      Also this is an issue for non-English keyboard layouts across Europe where ] and [ aren't easy to type because they are relegated to a layer on the number row.

        a month later

        I've noticed that they've now been implemented, but only when i click the tab bar on the top or side. I'd like this hotkey functionality to work regardless of what state the browser is in, much like how CMD-W closes the tab.

          18 days later

          Hi @Vlad. Some quick feedback, since this just shipped: The feature that shipped is not identical in behavior to Safari. When I edit URLs in the top bar, I often use Cmd+Shift+Right to select everything to the right of the cursor. Unfortunately, if I am editing a URL, Orion does not consider me to be "within a text field", so Cmd+Shift+Right switches the tab rather that selecting the URL text.

            4 days later

            Yep, im having that too

              I noticed the same behavior in the Find text box.

                This new behaviour is driving me bonkers. Please exclude text fields

                  6 days later

                  I'm seeing this behaviour while inside modal dialogs as well (e.g. when adding a bookmark), not just while editing the address bar.

                  No one is typing