It would be nice if I could change what shows up in the toolbar on mobile. For example, I don't care for the page navigation buttons at all (I want to use gestures) and it would be nice to move some of the other items in the overflow menu into the toolbar.

  • Vlad replied to this.

    saagarjha Do you have an example what would the UI for this look like?

    What would you personally rearrange and why?

    By overflow menu I assume you mean ... menu (so the above UI would need to allow placing items there too)

      Personally, I don't really like the hiding of the back/forwards buttons–I don't use them all that often, so I might just get rid of them if given the option (but I would prefer having both to having one hide). I don't create new tabs all that often either. Thinks I might want there are perhaps the setting menu and extensions themselves? Perhaps even "find on page" from the websites menu, I use that super often.

      6 months later

      The muscle memory is strong in me, I expect the tab switcher as the right-most item. I would be nice to just have the “menu” in the same position as the bookmark item in safari as they’re somewhat close semantically.



        jvacek You are probably looking for a feature to customize the toolbar, which I think exists as a feature somewhere on this site (would be nice if you could find it).

        Habit left alone, settings belongs "more" to the edge of toolbar than any other icon.

          Vlad jvacek You are probably looking for a feature to customize the toolbar, which I think exists as a feature somewhere on this site (would be nice if you could find it).

          Found it, thanks for the suggestion.

          Vlad Habit left alone, settings belongs "more" to the edge of toolbar than any other icon.

          The menu contains many other things than just settings. The bookmarks, Reading list and history are in this menu as well.

          I did however check other browsers and I do admit that the current layout is consistent with the others.

            jvacek can you flag this post a duplicate of the general toolbar customization one so I can merge it.

              11 days later

              Vlad I would but I can't find it at all anymore? did it get removed?

                10 days later
                Merged 6 posts from Switch “menu” and tab switcher positions on the bottom tool bar.
                  2 months later

                  I'd love to be able to customize the bottom menu bar. This is my ideal setup:

                  • Back/ forward button (also an option to keep the forward button but just grey it out like in regular Safari instead of removing it completely)
                  • Share sheet
                  • New tab
                  • Bookmarks/ reading list/ history
                  • View open tabs

                    The bubble for settings could be moved up to the top bar something like this.
                    Merged 1 post from Option to customize the icons in the bottom menu bar.

                      AA The idea to move settings to address bar is interesting, it is not clear how would an UI that would allow the user to do all this look like. Can you be more specific ("don't make us think")

                        Vlad there could be a setting option like this to choose where the menu button is displayed.

                        Then there could be another option that lets you select if you want to customize the bottom toolbar buttons.

                        3 months later

                        Orion for iOS is a fantastic browser, especially for people who use Kagi and Firefox browser extensions. I keep trying to make it my primary phone browser but just can't seem to break my button muscle memory.

                        I would love to see Orion navigation buttons become rearrangeable so that I can match the default Safari navigation layout or even pull items out of the settings/overflow menu and put others in the settings/overflow menu that are not important to me

                          Merged 1 post from Reorder controls for iOS Orion browser.
                            16 days later

                            It would be nice to be able to choose the tabs we see in the toolbar/tab bar at the bottom of screen. This has been a thread before, but I searched and couldn’t find it. It would be nice to be able to hit middle/bottom-right for often-used tabs like new tab/bookmarks/show tabs. I feel like these are prime real-estate for many mobile users, and leaving the settings menu in the bottom-right removes the ability to quickly see tabs because you have to aim your finger rather than just hitting the middle/corner. My ideal tab bar layout is (L-to-R) Back, Forward (when applicable), Share, Bookmarks/History (like Safari’s implementation), New Tab, Show Tabs

                            Settings would go in a separate button when showing tabs or in the URL bar left-side button. I think a separate button when showing tabs is best because settings don’t need to be accessed too often.

                            This is a picture of the tab bar (with Forward included in case it’s applicable)

                            Note: I like how forward only shows up when relevant currently. It cuts down on clutter when possible while still retaining functionality

                              Merged 1 post from Allow reordering/customizable tab bar/toolbar tab order (mobile).