I'm sorry, this is going to be a vague and useless bug report, especially because it requires someone to actually have a Danish national ID and the corresponding app, but I would love to try to help you figure it out in any way that I can.
When trying to log in with the Danish national ID, MitID, on for example post.borger.dk, there is a second screen after entering your username where you're supposed to click the "Open MitID app" button to trigger a bit of javascript and open the app. The javascript should send a request to let the server know that you are ready to authenticate with the app.
Clicking this button in Orion instead leads to a page saying "An error has occured"
There is information on https://www.mitid.dk/en-gb/help/help-universe/platform-support-for-mitid/ saying that you should have "at least iOS 15 and the latest version of Mobile Safari, Google Chrome or SFSafari View Controller (app-app) internet browser", and that "Incognito mode does not support the use of MitID." I don't know if that perhaps gives you any clues?
Even the usernames are supposed to be secret, and if you test too much with the same username without actually authenticating, you get locked out, so I'm afraid I can't give you enough information to even get to the page where the button should work, but again, I'd be happy to help in any way that I can. I can find my way around the Simulator app and web inspectors, if that helps.
When going to for example post.borger.dk, you get redirected to the Danish national ID login screen, where you type your username and click continue (Fortsæt).
When clicking the button "Open MitID app", the ID app should automatically open, and there should be an authentication request waiting.
1.3.18 (6) (WebKit 8620.