I know you cant take this suggestion lightly as many users undoubtedly are used to how navigation works now, so changing this will inconvenience many and throw a monkey wrench into their workflows. But i didnt see this discussed yet and if this is to change, the earlier the better.
A side note: I enjoy that iOS Orion feels like "Safari but with all the functions youd expect". It was very easy to transition as a Safari user and it felt like i powered up my game. So i am a bit biased with what i am about to suggest. But i think it makes sense regardless.
The issue: It is unintuitive that the history overflow for the back and forward button are "oldest at the top". I would love to hear the reasoning as it seems arbitrary to me. I expected it to be (like Safari) where the "nearest" item is closest to the nav button depressed, ie the oldest in the history is at the bottom. The Safari way feels very much like dragging my finger down a timeline, where the current way feels like im merely opening a menu and then looking for an entry in a list.
Maybe this is intuitive for some users, but i cant help but wonder if the average new user finds the Safari way more intuitive. Thus, changing this would allow better onboarding for new users and ease the strain for current users who, like me, are failing to get used to this awkward way of navigating.