
  • Oct 31, 2024
  • Joined Dec 20, 2021
  • 19 discussions
  • 118 posts
  • 0 best answers
  • 111 points
  • I would love a feature where I can send all tabs into another profile.
    This could be implemented as a button, shortcut and under the menubar -> File

    Moving the tabs efficiently between profiles

    • I'm a keyboard-focused user. In Safari, using any of the default search engines, the URL/search bar displays my query as if I'd typed it into a input. What's nice about that is, if I need to modify my search terms, I can do command+L and then use standard Mac text navigation shortcuts (e.g. ctrl+A, ctrl-E, opt+delete etc)

      This feature alone has kept me in Safari for years. No other browser seems to do this.

      Additionally, command+L followed by command+C copies the actual search engine URL into the pasteboard, instead of the keywords.

      I realize the Kagi plugin for Safari can't provide this behavior, but I was sort of surprised Orion doesn't. I have to hit tab 5 times to start modifying my search terms, which slows me down like 5x (assuming I don't hit command+L by instinct - that might actually cause me to use a pointing device!)

      It would be especially amazing if I could choose to use vim or emacs key bindings, but just the same functionality Safari has would likely convince me to use Orion (and donate/subscribe).

      You can demo the behavior I want in Safari, using any of its supported search engines.

      Type some words into the search/URL bar and hit return. You don't have to do anything to start modifying the terms. Use the arrow keys, option+arrow keys, etc. Hitting escape twice should undo your changes

      • Orion keeps on improving to the point it's my default browser (and Kagi my search engine). Thanks so much for all of your efforts to create such a fast, lightweight browser!

        I tend to use separate windows (with multiple tabs therein) to group tasks I'm working on. In this kind of scenario, I end up with multiple separate windows, all with multiple tabs.

        When clicking a URL in another app, it can be quite unpredictable which Orion window the resulting Tab will be added to… and invariably I either drag the Tab out into its own window or drag to another preferred window.

        This feature would allow me to isolate and more immediately find newly open windows, while those who prefer fewer, or even a single browser window, could equally have that behaviour. At the moment, only the latter working style is supported.

        Safari provides such a setting in the Tabs panel:

        • Vlad replied to this.
        • When I chose to save a set of Tabs:

          1. The naming panel opens
          2. The current Window name is profiled in the name field, that text is selected and the focus ring is present on the field.
          3. BUT the pre-filled window name (e.g. "Window 19") is deselected (and the focus ring disappears) before I can start typing a new name.

          I would expect that the pre-filled window name would remain selected so that I could enter a new name without first having to re-select the text.

          That action is an annoyance for mouse-based users but arguably worse for keyboard/assistive users as once the focus is removed from the field, it is not possible to use Tab to re-focus the field.

          Sonoma (14)

          • What does your feature entail? What is it for? How will it affect existing workflows or user experience?
            Low Power Mode suspends tabs after 5 minutes.
            Suggestion: allow the user to choose the amount of minutes after which tabs are suspended, e.g. 5, 10, 30, 60.

            What are the exact ways that you see a user using your proposed feature? Please go into as much detail as possible, and provide examples of how other browsers/apps implement this feature, if applicable. If your feature suggestion adds on to an existing feature, how would it work into it to extend its usefulness?
            Hopefully the setting can be exposed with the others in the Settings window.

            • Brief Summary
              I’d like an easy way to send the current URL on mobile to Universal Summarizer. Currently I manually add the !sum bang to the front of the URL, but I find it cumbersome. Would be great if it were a built in command. (I also tried adding the Kagi extension to mobile, but couldn’t get that to work.)

              Universal summarizer is an incredibly useful feature. The desktop extension already enables a quick feed of a URL to the summarizer. Just looking for that same kind of easy workflow on mobile.

              • Vlad replied to this.
              • Add an option to the settings to navigation to the previous tab you had opened after closing your current tab. The current behavior appears to navigate you back to the previous tab in your list. For situations like pinned tabs, this means that you may be navigated to another random tab in your list.

                Example Use Case:
                When reading on a news aggregator (like hacker news), I open a link in a new tab. Navigate to that tab. After finishing reading, I close that tab. I should be taken back to my previously opened tab.

                If I navigate to a different tab in the middle of that flow, it could either return to that other tab, or perhaps return to the tab that the originating "open in new tab" request came from.

                • We use 3 or 4 fingers for desktop transitions in the system. For example, I switch between my desktops by sliding 4 fingers. Is it possible to switch between my tabs in Orion by scrolling 3 fingers? (Or CMND+ Two Fingers) cmnd+numbers are not a good option enough.

                  • Vlad replied to this.
                  • Safari has the ability to take full-page screenshots of websites. It would be great if Orion had the same too. See pics compared.

                    Orion Screenshot

                    Safari Screenshot

                    • Hey, thanks for all the great work on this browser!

                      Right now moving the tabs between other windows behaviour is kinda similar to Safari - it's not entirely the same, but it looks like it builded upon Safari's implementation with a few other improvements. There's a couple of suggestions I have that I think would greatly enhance the tab moving mechanic in Orion:

                      • when the user starts dragging tab outside of its regular "boundaries", do NOT wait for the user to release the mouse click to spawn a new window, but rather do it as soon as the tab exits its boundaries, much like Chrome does in its implementation. I prefer instant feedback of what I'm doing compared to only getting it after I finish the action.

                      • this builds upon the first suggestion. Right now, if you want to move a tab between the windows, you have to right click it and move it from within the context menu. While this is fine, I'd like to have added flexibility of being able to simply drag-and-drop it to another window like Chrome does. That mechanic feels very intuitive and allows me to be very "nimble" in switching tabs without having to resort to right-click menus etc.

                      • Steps to reproduce:
                        For example opening an image in a site takes much longer than expected, uniformly regardless of the size of the image
                        Expected behavior:
                        So far Orion has been extremely fast to my experience. This version is not.
                        Orion, OS version; hardware type:
                        Version (WebKit 614.1.20)

                        <Copy/paste or drag and drop to upload images or videos (up to 20MB)>
                        I have no particular comment to add as it says above. It is overall suddenly very slow in version (WebKit 614.1.20) compared to all previous versions so far.

                        • Vlad replied to this.
                        • As of Orion version (WebKit 614.1.20), support for WebRTC seems to be missing or broken.

                          It's not possible to share files with other devices on a local network by navigating to WebRTC–aware sites like or using Orion. The desktop machine doesn't show up on other devices in the local network when such websites are visited on Orion, whereas it does when visiting using Chrome-like browsers.

                          • Vlad replied to this.
                          • Steps to reproduce:
                            Performing a web search through Google and hovering with the mouse above any link results in a beachball being displayed and tab freezing. This happens for less than a second, then the page works normally.

                            This happens everytime with extensions enabled or disabled, with compatibility mode set to on or off. I'm not sure what is happening.

                            This happens on other websites, but for the reproducibility's sake I'm reporting the behaviour with Google.

                            Expected behavior:
                            Not having the page hanging

                            Orion, OS version; hardware type:
                            MBP Pro 16'' Intel i7
                            macOS Ventura 13.1 beta beta build 22C5033e ->> yes I'm on a beta version. This behaviour does not happen with Safari 16.1 (18614. nor Google Chrome or Edge.

                            Orion (WebKit 614.1.20)

                            There was a screencap here, but it seems that QuickTime removes the beachball...?

                            Section updated with video taken from phone:

                            ** Debug Info **
                            Orion (WebKit 614.1.20)
                            macOS Version 13.1 (Build 22C5033e)

                            Session Info:

                            Enabled Extensions:

                            Disabled Extensions:

                            • Return YouTube Dislike (chrome)
                            • uBlock Origin (firefox)
                            • Reddit Enhancement Suite (firefox)

                            Non Default Settings:

                            • ContentBlockerLastUpdated => 2022-11-01 00:00:00 +0000
                            • overflowMenuItems => (
                            • WebAutomaticSpellingCorrectionEnabled => 0
                            • WebContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled => 0
                            • WebAutomaticQuoteSubstitutionEnabled => 0
                            • WebAutomaticDashSubstitutionEnabled => 0
                            • ShouldShowWelcomeAnimation => 0
                            • ToolbarConfiguration => {
                              "TB Default Item Identifiers" = (
                              "TB Display Mode" = 2;
                              "TB Icon Size Mode" = 1;
                              "TB Is Shown" = 0;
                              "TB Item Identifiers" = (
                              "TB Size Mode" = 1;
                            • BrowsersFromDataImported => (
                            • FirstLaunch => 0
                            • FirstTimeWebExtensionNotice => 1
                            • HyperlinkAuditingEnabled => 0
                            • KagiOpensWith => newWindow
                            • LastUsedBuildVersion => 121.1
                            • WillInstallUpdate => 0
                            • PreCompiledContentRuleListVersion => 121.1
                            • LastCrashCheckDate => 2022-11-06 08:12:07 +0000
                            • NetworkPredictionEnabled => 0
                            • NextDownloadID => 170
                            • SavedWindowSize => 1792.0,1013.0
                            • SavedWindowPosition => 0.0,82.0
                            • QuitWithConfirmation => 0
                            • ActiveLibraryTab => extensions
                            • ActivePreferenceTab => websites
                            • BookmarksLastSynced => 1667722330517.867
                            • ReadingListLastSynced => 1667722330538.383
                            • Vlad replied to this.
                            • Steps to reproduce:
                              Generally browsing seems a bit choppy with the latest beta.
                              So I tried browserbench, speedometer 2.1 with enabled extensions and in compatibility mode without extensions. Then I run the same test with the latest Safari (16.0).
                              Results are below.
                              Test in Orion takes up to 80/90sec to end, Safari takes 30sec or less.
                              I also notice a good amount of battery drain using Orion.

                              Orion, OS version; hardware type:
                              Orion: Version 0.99.120-beta
                              Macbook Pro 14'' M1 Pro, Version: 12.6 (21G115)

                              In compatibility mode:

                              With extensions:


                              • Vlad replied to this.
                              • The suggestion is simple: Support the recently introduced passkeys.

                                There is already a discussion of WebAuthn, here:


                                Moreover, the passkey feature is really WebAuthn under the hood, as far as I understand. So perhaps this feature suggestion should be merged with the above. But on the other hand, passkey usage seems sufficiently different from using a hardware token supporting WebAuthn to merit its own discussion.

                                Edit: I see this got tagged Desktop. I intended this suggestion to cover both desktop and iphone/ipad, but the web interface got the better of me.

                                Edit 2: I now see where I missed a rather obvious button. Apparently there is no way to make a suggestion for both categories at the same time.

                                • Vlad replied to this.
                                • Steps to reproduce:
                                  Download the 1Password Classic extension from the link:

                                  The extension doesn't even show the icon in the toolbar, you only see a lighter rectangle as you mouse over it. Clicking it does nothing.

                                  Orion, OS version; hardware type: Version 0.99.120-beta (WebKit 614.1.20), macOS 12.6, MacBook Pro 16" M1 Pro

                                  • Hello, I have been experiencing a bug after 1 day of using Orion. For some reason, whenever I use a crypto trading platform, watch a video, especially when I am on shopify working on my store where it seems really sluggish, Orion seems to be using a lot of my CPU. I am also using Microsoft Edge and it barely consumes anything but Orion does use over 100% of my CPU in those cases. Even with one tab only opened and no other apps in the background. The laptop get's really warm pretty quickly. Hopefully this can be solved on the next iteration of the beta build.

                                    • Vlad replied to this.
                                      • Best Answerset by Vlad

                                      Hey everyone

                                      I merged a bunch of 'high CPU usage' posts into this one thread. We would like to get to the bottom of this.

                                      If you are posting about perceived high CPU usage in Orion please follow this procedure to make it useful for us:

                                      • Start a new clean Orion profile
                                      • Note exact steps to reproduce perceived high CPU usage
                                      • Repeat those same steps in Safari

                                      If Orion usage is significantly more than Safari's, post the details here. A video documenting all steps and your methodology would be fantastic.


                                    • Steps to reproduce:
                                      Start Orion, and browse as you normally would. After a few days, observe that your memory usage has continued climbing, and observe that the Orion processes are using significantly more memory than when they started, especially as compared to other browsers with similar usage.

                                      Expected behavior:
                                      As a (completely non-scientific) comparison to Brave, a Chromium based browser, Orion handles memory much worse. Brave, after running a day longer than Orion, and being used for regular browsing, is using a total of under 2GB of memory. Orion was using just under 8GB of memory. It seems that perhaps Orion is not releasing memory as it's no longer needed (potential memory leak)

                                      Orion, OS version; hardware type:
                                      Orion: Version 0.99.116-beta (WebKit 614.1.20)
                                      macOS: Monterey 12.4 (21F79) on M1 MacBook Pro 14" with 16GB RAM and 512GB SSD

                                      I do not have images or video, but I collected the following information:

                                      Extensions installed

                                      • Bitwarden (1.55.0, Firefox)
                                      • Dark Reader (4.9.43, Firefox)

                                      Startup Data

                                      Startup time: Friday, July 08, 2022 at 13:21

                                      Tabs open on startup:

                                      Processes running: 7

                                      • 5 x "Orion Web Content" (269.8, 96.6, 55.3, 24.1, 15.5 MB)
                                      • 1 x "Orion" (94.9 MB)
                                      • 1 x "" (9.4 MB)

                                      Total memory used: 565.6 MB

                                      Shutdown data

                                      Shutdown time: Sunday, July 10, 2022 at 13:36

                                      Tabs currently open:

                                      Processes running: 10

                                      • 6 x "Orion Web Content" (700.9, 582.1, 271.2, 58.2, 51.4, 32.9 MB)
                                      • 1 x "Orion" (5.54 GB)
                                      • 1 x "Orion Networking" (77.7 MB)
                                      • 1 x "" (37.2 MB)
                                      • 1 x "Keychain (Orion)" (16.0 MB)

                                      Total memory used: 7.3 GB

                                      After restarting Orion

                                      Tabs currently open:

                                      Processes running: 6

                                      • 3 x "Orion Web Content" (246.2, 55.7, 30.8 MB)
                                      • 1 x "Orion" (88.4 MB)
                                      • 1 x "Orion Networking" (18.0 MB)
                                      • 1 x "" (9.6 MB)

                                      Total memory used: 448.7 MB

                                      • Hey!

                                        Developing a browser in 2022 is exciting, to say the least! A browser is the single most important app on our computers.

                                        Most feature requests in this forum are about improving or repeating the interfaces that exist in other browsers. Allow me to jazz it up a bit by offering less traditional, more brave ideas! I'm not suggesting to implement them immediately, but hopefully they will ignite your imagination as well.

                                        So! Idea 1. Magic toolbar that disappears on scrolldown, appears on scrollup or tab click. Demo:

                                        Inspired by recent discussion of compact tabs - - as well as similar behaviour on mobile browsers.


                                        • it solves the same problem as "compact tabs" and "focus mode" try to solve - give more space to web content.

                                        • it might look unusual at first (because it is!), but I claim that almost immediately, users would get used to it. The toolbar almost becomes part of the webpage it serves.

                                        • scrolling up is the cheapest interaction, it requires no effort from user. It is easier than typing a shortcut with keyboard, or clicking a screen button with mouse. Users would have no problem revealing the toolbar with scrollup gesture (swiping on trackpad or rotating mouse wheel).

                                        P.S. And what are these tab groups on sidebar? That is for another post :-)

                                        • In most browsers, if I right click on a mailto: link, I get an option to "Copy email address". Orion doesn't do this - I can "Copy Link" but then I have to delete mailto: from the address when I paste it. This is especially annoying and fiddly on mobile.