
  • Joined Jun 5, 2024
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  • When using the side pane tabs view, sometimes when middle-clicking a link (i.e., using scroll wheel to click on a Kagi search result), the resulting tab doesn't work correctly. It occurs inconsistently and doesn't appear to be related to anby particluar page/site.

    It does show the correct page title and is nested under the "parent" page, however clicking doesn't show the page and there is a expand caret for children pages which is a list of all Open Tabs. A buggy tab can't be closed with the X but will be reset or cleared when the browser is closed and reopened.

    I haven't yet tested to see if this same issue occurs when using a right-click context menu and "Open link in New Tab/Window".

    (Additionally, if more than one buggy tab is being shown, expanding the caret next to one will dispay the list of all open tabs under a differnt buggy tab and then the list has to be closed by clicking the collapse caret beside that one.)

    A tab opened with middle-click should open the link in a new tab that behaves normally

    Orion Version Sequoia 15.3.2 build 24D81

    Sequoia (15)

    • On the website, when viewing a single vehicle listing, clicking the plus sign/zoom for an image (visible on cursor hover) does nothing unless the "Enable Content Blockers" is unchecked in Website Settings.

      Seems like there is an overly aggresive blocking of site resources/assets (one same domain file can be seen in the list of blocked files.)

      This same behavior also occurs in Safari, so it's not an uncommon issue.

      Clicking the plus sign icon should allow the gallery popup to open even when Content Blockers are enabled.

      A suggestion is to allow the ability to whitelist certain files found in the Privacy Report requests blocked list.


      Version 0.99.130-beta (WebKit 621. 15.2 (24C101)

      Sequoia (15)

      • This remains a reproducible issue.

      • In the mobile Orion new tab page (showing Favorites icons, Frequently Visited icons, etc.), tapping and holding a Favorites icon then dropping it in a new position causes Orion to immediately crash.

        Upon reopening, the icons are back to the original positions.

        Attached video shows this reproducibly occurring in 2 back-to-back tests:

        Upon dragging and dropping an icon on the new tab page, the icon should stay in the new position, the other icons shifting to accommodate it.

        Orion 1.3.10 (8) (WebKit 8618., iOS 17.7 (21H16)


        • If I have a tab open to, for example, a website then use the address bar to run a search, the tab title is stuck showing the title from the website.

          Tried searching the support forum for existing issue but didn’t find anything.

          Screencap video:

          Tab title should reflect current Kagi search

          Orion 1.3.8 (13), iOS 17.6.1 (21G93)


          • Came to report the same issue.

            • Possible regression on this as I can't even move the Overflow Menu