
  • Jun 21, 2023
  • Joined May 17, 2023
  • 4 discussions
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  • I added a video to a feedback thread a few days ago can reference as example for this too.

    Also want to add, I notice this behaviour also when using 'Export As PDF' from file menu, it keeps going back to 'Downloads' folder, rather than the previous folder saved to.

    • Vlad replied to this.
    • Question is why is Bookmark Importing such a disaster?
      What's preventing Orion just reading Safari's plist file or the .html file it generates?
      Firefox hasn't got any of the issues importing Safari Bookmarks and FF is the very far away from being anything like a native macOS app.
      Yes it's a disaster, nothing is imported correctly, out of order duplicated in two locations, none of the menu bookmarks are in order and it won't allow dragging folders of bookmarks from Safari Edit Bookmarks window to Orions Bookmarks edit window. Then there's the side headache, creating new folders in the Orion Bookmark edit window, and the viewport of the window changes so that the newly created folder is no where to be seen, it deselects itself so have to scroll up to find the folder and rename it, pain.

      Finally, bookmark importing should have been one of the absolutely first things to get working at the start of any browser development, not left like this after years.

      • ah so it's in a drop down. didn't see it, I clicked other options.
        Delete Thread.

        • Brief Summary
          <What does your feature entail? What is it for? How will it affect existing workflows or user experience?>

          <What are the exact ways that you see a user using your proposed feature? Please go into as much detail as possible, and provide examples of how other browsers/apps implement this feature, if applicable. If your feature suggestion adds on to an existing feature, how would it work into it to extend its usefulness?>

          Big annoyance saving bookmarks, for no good reason it saves them to Favourites sub menu and I don't want them in a sub menu, this sub menu can't even assign key commands to so for me it's just useless.
          I Bookmarks saved in the Main Bookmarks menu, so please do one of two things,
          Give user Preference to set default save location for bookmarks, or When saving bookmark, ask where to save it

          <Copy/paste or drag and drop to upload images or videos (up to 20MB)>

          • Vlad replied to this.
          • Brief Summary
            <What does your feature entail? What is it for? How will it affect existing workflows or user experience?>
            <What are the exact ways that you see a user using your proposed feature? Please go into as much detail as possible, and provide examples of how other browsers/apps implement this feature, if applicable. If your feature suggestion adds on to an existing feature, how would it work into it to extend its usefulness?>

            Convenience feature, File download location - Ask for each download
            Please make dialogue remember last folder user navigated to and saved a file to. This saves user having to repeatedly navigate the system to get back to the location where the last file was saved, useful when doing consecutive downloads to the same folder.

            <Copy/paste or drag and drop to upload images or videos (up to 20MB)>

            • Vlad replied to this.
            • Yeah, again Autocomplete is brain dead

              Will not even complete macrumors
              which has 31 results in history.

              • Don't put Tabs in the Titlebar.
                It's the stupidest design ever to hit the desktop.

                You can't move the Window with Tabs the title bar, the titlebar is the only place area that allows window movement and any OS. It's been this way forever.

                There used to be a MacOS classic extension in the 90's that allowed users to Command Click anywhere on any window to move it, (and some ancient Linux window managers) and this would have been a decent solution if tabs filled up the titlebar, but that's not the reality at this time.

                No Tabs in Titlebar - Don't waste time on idiotic ideas that make using a browser more difficult.
                User need to get it into their heads that Vertical sidebar tabs are far better solution.
                Titlebar is already full of extension icons, what else you wanna jam in there, a photo slideshow date and time and weather......This whole topic is just dumb!!

                • ez Vlad, hey, having right click free space in Sidebar re-enabling show Nested Tabs seems to allow correct tab placement.

                  • IDK about all the sub-domaining but every time a tab has https://www.youtube.com main domain, will always Autoplay after starting the browser if YouTube tabs was in the last session, don't even have to reload the page just using previous or next tab commands will trigger Autoplay even if the Auto Play is set to Never Auto-Play on All Sites.

                    • Well, fire up Apple Feedback App and let the Safari team know.
                      While you're at it, let them know they spelt 'Capitalize' in the Edit Menu -> Transformations and it should be 'Capitalise'. 's' not 'zed' on real English systems, I doub't they will what else to expect from muppets who measure shit with their feet.

                      • 4 Pinned Tabs
                        4 Unpinned Tabs

                        New video, Can see dragging top unpinned tab down to bottom, it doesn't move.
                        Dragged Second Unpinned tab to the bottom, it moved up instead of down.
                        Dragged that Tab down it didn't move.

                        • Hi,

                          what's going on here,

                          Vertical tab list, got a tab drag it to the bottom of list but it goes up instead or some other position.

                          see video, I have nested tabs off.

                          • Vlad replied to this.
                          • I think I know what's going on here,
                            If for Wikipedia as example you type
                            wiki it won't auto complete
                            but if you type en.wiki it will autocomplete

                            so it will only autocomplete if you type using the actual first characters of the URL not characters that makeup the url.

                            Also I see now why Safari has the smartest URL autocomplete and all other browsers have comparatively dumb autocomplete. It's because Safari uses Siri for suggestions, and also page titles and it almost always suggests the site and domain completion, even if it's not in history and bookmarks, no other browser does this. Kinda strange though because auto suggest in iMessages on iOS/macOS is so fscking dumb it's embarrassing, having a conversation, lets say about lunch, the word is typed several times in the conversation yet its too fsckin dumb to suggest the same word again, does it for many words...but that't Apple not Orion..oops.

                            • hrm IDK what's going on, switch off compatibility mode, no change then Reload Page then the PDF appears.
                              Switch back to Compatibility Mode reload, blank page, reload again then PDF appears again.
                              strange behaviour.

                              • Vlad

                                Double checked again, all extensions disabled, i'm in
                                Compatibility mode, see screenshot:

                                • WebP turns out to make more work for users.
                                  Save the image from the page then send that in email to whoever, they complain the photo in the email sent to them is not viewable.
                                  So have to open in Preview export as JPG and resend it for their email clients to view it.

                                  • ericafterdark

                                    Okay, do the world a favour and tell all the websites to stop using it.
                                    What are you a blackhat researcher? Bah