
    • 4 Jan
    • Joined Mar 25, 2023
    • 1 discussion
    • 12 posts
    • 0 best answers
    • 8 points
    • In general its my experience that the cancel button never works if website is unresponsive, or something goes wrong. its pretty annoying since thats when you need it the most, so have to close the tab and open a new

      • It would be nice to get this soon. I rely on minified vertical tabs, and this bug makes it a good bit annoying. I hope the donation helps.

      • Feels like the responsibility of the window manager.

        Say you move two tabs into their own windows, one taking the left half of the screen and the other taking the right half. You don't lose any space; the menu UI of the browser remains the same height. So there is very little to be gained by doing this.

        If you split the other direction, you do lose the vertical dimension of the menu UI and title bar, but this seems to be a less common type of split.

        macOS already supports fullscreen split-screen (press and hold the green fullscreen button) for horizontal splits, but not vertical.

        So, I don't see any huge benefit to a feature like this, which would have a significant development overhead. It would be cool, sure, but it's a lot of work for a narrow use case.

        Consider an app like Rectangle or Swish to make window positioning more efficient.