I am still getting the same issues on: Version (WebKit 621.
I agree, this is extremely disruptive to my work and is forcing me to drop this browser because I feel like I can no longer trust that I am able to be productive.
romuloalves Were you able to re-add content blockers and intelligent tracking prevention after the extension started working?
- Edited
Extensions like Google's Gmail Notification checker, Grammarly, and EndNote click (chrome extensions) do not retain logins if the extension requires logging into external sites. For example, below is EndNote click
If I click sign in, I get redirected to their sign in page:
But after signing in, the extension doesn't recognize that I am logged in.
The extension saves my log in status and no longer prompts signing in. This has been tested on chrome to work.Version 0.99.129-beta
Sequoia (15)
Installing the Google Scholar extension from the chrome webstore leads to clicking on the button never expanding fully (image below showing this). There should be a small window with suggested citations and a search bar.
Installing the firefox edition of the extension shows suggested citations when on an academic website, but I am unable to use the search bar outside of those specific websites.
There should be a window for searching similar to the extension preview images:
Sequoia (15)