
    • Jun 17, 2024
    • Joined Oct 7, 2023
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    • I was having the same problem, but I think I managed to fix it. I deleted every instance of Orion on all my devices. Then I followed the instructions on this Lifewire article:

      I used my Mac, but I assume the other instructions also work. I had to delete it multiple times for it to take because iCloud is flaky. But once it no longer appeared after several trials in the Manage iCloud interface, I was able to reinstall Orion and create a whole new, empty default profile with no data from the old profile. Those changes also carried over when I reinstalled Orion on my iPad (only 1 tested so far).

      Hope this helps others with sync issues to get a fresh start.

      • It does in fact create duplicates even within the Bookmarks Bar section and the Favorites section, not just between them.

        As you can see in the image, the folders are duplicated under Favorites. They were duplicated in exactly the same way under Bookmarks Bar, but I deleted the duplicates already. I still see the duplication on mobile, but perhaps that is showing only Favorites (with the duplication) or both Favorites and Bookmarks Bar, since it doesn't have a separate bookmark bar.

        This happened to me before but I ended up somehow with half in Favorites and half in Bookmarks Bar. I just did a removal of all installs on all devices to try to solve it, but it happened again when I imported from Safari on the first device re-install.

        Personally, I think it would cause less confusion to not create duplicates in Favorites and in Bookmarks Bar, but to let people know (via a pop-up message the first time Bookmarks is opened or a tour of the app) that all Bookmarks are now in ... wherever you end up putting them. Maybe create an Imported Bookmarks folder and put everything in there and let the user decide where they want to put them.

        I am just going to delete the duplicates to fix it and see if that gets synced over to other installs. The syncing issue is what led me to attempt a reinstall everywhere, and that was the problem that I was originally looking for that led me here.