
    • Aug 1, 2024
    • Joined Dec 12, 2023
    • 1 discussion
    • 2 posts
    • 0 best answers
    • 0 points
    • Reproduction steps:

      1. Show sidebar and make it quite wide
      2. Hide sidebar
      3. Show sidebar and hide it before animation reaches the full width (easy with the hotkey)
      4. Show sidebar again

      Expected result:
      Sidebar is as wide as after step 1.

      Actual result:
      Sidebar is as wide as it was wide when hide was pressed in step 3

      Sidebar is as wide as after step 1. (WebKit 618.1.2)

      Sonoma (14)

      • I read a couple of posts here about sidebar, url bar, extensions and arc comparisions. What I can summerize as suggestions, and also would be happy with, is below. I am not familiar with the Human Interface Guidelines so I'm sorry if these strech/break some rules.

        1. Option to hide the toolbar at the top of the page
          This would allow the desired more vertical space.

        2. Option for having multiple rows of toolbar on the top of the left sidebar.

          • Allows to put all the buttons and what not from the top toolbar there if wanted to
          • Url bar can take up the full row (even though it's small, for an MVP I think it's ok)
          • If it is easier we can agree on a fixed number like 3 or 4 rows
          • Strech: allow rows at the bottom as well
        3. Option to reveal the left sidebar when mouse is dragged to the left side of the window and hide when mouse is moved away.
          This, I think, will be tricky to get right but the idea is simple.

          • MVP: the already implemented show and hide can be ok
          • Later: show and hide over the main view so currently viewed page does not need to be resized
        4. Option for a right side toolbar.
          Basically an area where you can drag your toolbar items.

          • Initially I would specify it as one icon width
          • Icons are in a single column
          • Strech: If suggestion 2 is developed I would dream up a right sidebar with multiple rows just like the ones on the top of the left sidebar and make the width of the right sidebar adjustable

        I just realized these are like 4 feature requests, but they are all centered around the idea to provide the experience of a fullscreenish web page view. Very similar to Focus mode, but with an all you can do easily accessible sidebar. With Suggestions 1-3 I think we can get very close to it.

        If you want to I can rephrase these features starting from or comparing to Focus mode, but this message is way too long already.