Vlad ??? Install Orion, browse completely random websites side by side with Safari and get 18x the memory usage from graphics engine while doing the exact same stuff? How the f am I supposed to tell you even further how to reproduce this? I just browse random stuff and the memory increases. No addons, no iCloud, nothing. Fresh install.
Longely I would think that its just easier to get the mouse location. Not a big issue
With the buttons, how many should there be? As I see it, we could have
- Replace the current tab
- Open in new tab
- Open in the background
iOS Safari gives you #1 but makes you choose betwen 2 and 3. However, I think all three have valid use cases and all three should be added. They just need different icons.
Longely That said i dont have any problems with having it off by default, if its undesired for the majority. only problem with that is discoverability, but maybe thats ok
I think that's where good communication comes in. But I think that applies the opposite way too. If that is the decided default behavior, I would want a very clear communication as to what's going on so I can make an informed decision. Maybe even make it a first time opening prompt... "How do you want to use this?"
And I am sorry to say this, but I am a little disappointed - with Orion (not in general but measured on what you claim it to be on it's website) and also with my experience here on orionfeedback.
First I was really keen on trying this "Safari-equal but even more efficient and privat" Browser as your website claims. But so far I discovered little and not so little things that just don't measure up to the original, but that's the expectation you create with the way you introduce Orion.
This is not an issue per se and I am (or at least was) eager to take my time to write thorough reports or feature requests to support this endeavour and it is great to have such a direct contact to development. But from your answers it sometimes feels like what I report is unwelcome or not important compared to other issues (and it very well might not be!). I take my time to report things in a thorough and understandable fashion but the answers (and not only regarding my reports) sometimes make me feel like what I posted was not red thoroughly and they read sloppy and arrogant at times. I understand that this surely might be because of the workload and the fact that you are a very small team of (16 I believe?) developers and that I also might be wrong with my assumptions, but this makes it hard to want to contribute none the less.
Vlad I took a look at the translation.
First, there is no really shorter translation for "Don't use" button except for using maybe a simple "No". The "Use Strong Password" button could be changed to just "Use" so you'd have "Don't use" and "Use".
But I think it is better to keep it the way it is and wait until contextual window size is implemented because in this case I assume that a) people know what decisions the two buttons reflect and b) that it's better to keep a correct and better translation instead of creating a scenario where a bad or ambigues translation get's dragged along although contextual window size is already implemented.
Second, especially for the long text above the buttons the above mentioned issues remains: I wouldn't know for sure if the new translation then fits.
I wouldn't know how this would help. The translation is fine as far as I can see. And what could I do anyways? Butcher the translation until it fits the pop up window? How would I even verify that it fits and doesn't get cut off still?!
I don't think this is the way to go about this issue. It's not top priority, I know, but the proper way would be to handle the pop up window's size contextually, wouldn't it? At least Safari seems to do so:
Longely and Vlad Thanks for the tips. I will wait for the next release and then have those extra tools for it. For now quiting and reopening Orion is working and I don't have time or steps to reproduce it at the moment.
Feel free to close/suspend the bug report, and I will reopen one or this one when I have more info.
Have an amazing day.At least your pages are being rememberd. After the update to 1.3.0, my open tabs are getting replaced with tabs of the Start Page, and I'm loosing the things I had open. More info here.
- Best Answerset by Vlad
Beyond this specific bug of the multiline and always possible improvements of translations, is there no way to automatically adapt the interface of the windows (autolayout, size, etc.) to the different languages ?
XCode seems to me to offer the necessary tools and many other applications that I use on a personal basis seem to be perfectly fine with these localization problems.For example :
https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2020/10219/A good localization and adapted interface greatly contribute to the pleasure and daily use of an application. Even the best application in the world that would not offer an example in these areas would see a good part of its non-English speaking users turn away.
Longely my bad you're right, I'm talking about tabs. I was confused and typed windows.
Let me delete this and rewrite it correctlyhmm okey
- Edited
I can reproduce.
bbc.com loads instantly but clicking on an article will produce a considerable delay before then loading quickly.
It's normal with Compatibility Mode. Same happens with a clean testing profile.- Edited
For further context we use a simple product management formula for prioritization.
popularity (upvotes) X percentage of affected members in the community / difficulty
If you would score these on a scale of 1 to 10 for this feature it would roughly translate to
8 x 4 / 7 = 4.5
8 - pretty high up on the list of upvotes
4 - 40%? of users have touchbar
7 - not a trivial feature(this is the subjective part determined by me mostly)
Since max is 100 (10x10/1) you can see how this still remains a low priority.
Most things we do regularly are in the 10-20 range (a bug that is easy to fix and affects everyone would be 1 x 10 / 1 = 10 which is why you see many of them go through in releases). Then once in a while we allocate time to push things that are just popular, but so far there were always more important things to push.
Absolutely if the demand and user base is there then it would be good for Orion to improve Touch Bar usability, especially some of the easier wins like additional buttons.
In many threads including this one the developers mention how limited their resources are so have to be selective about what to implement, so if it's between developing something that will benefit all users vs something that will benefit an ever-shrinking percentage then I would prioritise the former vs things like replicating Safari's complex custom tab switcher – I'm not aware of a single new Touch Bar feature announced in upcoming Sonoma, nor anything notable in Ventura or Monterey, so unfortunately not even Apple seem to be able to invest development resources into it anymore.
In the mean time regardless of whether the Orion team can add anything new there are great third-party tools available that allow adding a range extra functionality to the Touch Bar when using Orion!
Longely I wasn't aware that there was an option to mute a different tab from a tab's context menu, but directly above it in your screenshot there is "Close Tab" vs "Close Other Tabs" so I think it's still consistent to use "Mute Tab" vs "Mute Other Tab(s)".
Longely Thank you Longely, I fixed the post.
An important detail that no one in the discussion seems to have noticed: You can turn on animation-less swiping in Safari!
On macOS Ventura, go to "System Settings" -> "Trackpad" -> "More Gestures“ and set "Swipe between pages" to "Swipe with Three Fingers". Then, when you swipe with three fingers, Safari does not show an animation on swiping.
Thus, it seems to me that WebKit cannot be the culprit here. Also, I'd say, animation-less swiping does not really go against a particular Mac aesthetic when it is built into Macs already.