
    • 4 days ago
    • Joined Jun 12, 2024
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    • Hello, I was thrilled to see my previous page zoom bug fixed so quickly! I recently came across another one: the default page zoom setting is not respected on file:// URIs.

      1. Set default page zoom to 125%.
      2. Open any local html file in Orion.
      3. Notice that the page zoom is at 100%.

      Possible second bug:

      1. Set the page zoom to 125% manually.
      2. Close the tab
      3. Open the same file again.
      4. Notice that the page zoom is at 100%.

      The second bug is perhaps a bit more understandable, lots of things "don't quite work right" on file URIs because of the lack of an origin, but the first seems like a bug.

      Use case: documentation. Rust's cargo doc is served from file URIs, and many programming projects have an "offline documentation" that amounts to a zip file full of HTML.

      Orion should respect the default page zoom on all URIs.

      Version (WebKit 619.

      Monterey (12)

        1. Set your default page zoom to 125%.
        2. Open in a new tab. Take a screenshot.
        3. Press Command-0.

        Nothing should happen, the page was not zoomed to begin with. However, while the page zoom was not adjusted, the browser pinch-zoom is zoomed to an additional 125%.

        Version (WebKit 619.1.1)

        Monterey (12)