Selecting suggestions from the address bar is possible using Emacs-style shortcuts (i.e. ctrl-n and ctrl-p), but not with the more accessible J and K keys commonly associated with Vim bindings.

I'd love to be able to move up and down the list of suggestions with ctrl-j and ctrl-k.

Not many browsers support Vim-style keys to select UI elements. This is a very dev-focussed feature, but then so are the Emacs-style beginning and end-of-line bindings we're used to elsewhere on macOS.

    You are definitely a hardcore keyboard user 🙂
    Let me discuss our approach to keyboard shortcuts with the team.
    You can come talk to me about it on Discord too.

    • jcf likes this.

    Not sure this would make much sense: on Emacs the Ctrl-P (previous line) and Ctrl-N (next line) keybindings are the native way to navigate lines vertically. On Vim, you change to Normal mode and then simply press j and k to navigate. The suggestion here (Ctrl-J & Ctrl-K) is not "vim-style bindings", but rather a strange amalgam that would be difficult for users to discover.

      I leave you to debate that 🙂

        No one is typing