- Edited
Orion (WebKit 619. under MacOS 12.7.6.
If I enter anything in the URL bar without hitting <return>, then go to another tab, my partial entry is erased from the URL bar on the tab I was working on. Here's an example: I'm shopping for a computer, and I want to convert $6,989 in Canadian dollars to US dollars. I go to a new tab and put convert 6, but that's as far as I get before I forget the amount. So I go back to the shopping tab: Oh yeah, $6,989. But then when I go back intending to finish my entry (convert 6989 CAD to USD), the text I put in the URL bar is gone. I have to start over again:
Might not seem like a big deal, but one's short-term memory is not always at its best. As far as I know, no other browser self-deletes partial URL bar entries like this.
Here's Safari, which retains a partial URL bar entry indefinitely; it persists through tab shifts:
The Safari treatment is not quite perfect, in that clicking once in the URL bar so as to have a cursor there to finish the entry selects the entire contents of the URL bar, and one must click again to deselect and put the cursor at the end of the existing part of the URL bar text—this might be configurable; I forget. I don't use Safari much.) (WebKit 619.
Monterey (12)