Orion (WebKit 619. under MacOS 12.7.6.

For a site which does not have a favicon, Orion has begun substituting the favicon of another, entirely unrelated site. Here we see Orion using the favicon from whc.ca on all tabs with pages from slantsix.org , a site without a favicon:

This persists even after quitting and relaunching Orion. I do not know if this is a single-site error confined to slantsix.org , or if it is more general.

Now here's Safari showing a tab from slantsix.org (no favicon, so Safari puts a box with the first letter of the site's domain) and a tab from whc.ca (with that favicon Orion has latched onto for pages from slantsix.org): (WebKit 619.

Monterey (12)

  • Vlad replied to this.

    isocat Can you record a video with exact steps to reproduce this from a new Orion profile?

      Hi, @Vlad. No, I'm afraid I cannot. It just started happening a few days ago; I have no idea why, and I don't know if it's possible to create a new Orion profile without destroying the existing one.

      Is there some way to reset favicons or…?

        isocat Does performing a reset -- main menu Orion -> Reset Orion... with these options fix the issue for you?

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