I don't want to pile on the nitpicking over implementation because I'm genuinely grateful to @Vlad and the entire team for listening to feedback, but sadly I am not a huge fan. I'm not entirely sure I understand the decision to link the URL bar to tabs — my first instinct upon loading was to just remove the URL bar to save horizontal space, but you can't remove it without removing the tabs with it. I don't reallyyy understand that to be honest.

I get that adopting Safari's method of replacing the active tab with a smaller URL bar would likely require more work than maybe folks on the team wanted to invest, but without that, it kinda misses the point. Here, you're saving a little bit of vertical space at the cost of a lot of horizontal space.

But that's just my opinion, I recognize that some users like the current implementation, and I want to emphasize that I appreciate that work was put in here. It's just not for me, personally.

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