Vlad 5 holds the most water for me because of its similarity with the current tab theme in its normal horizontal display. However, I am not digging the specifically designated shaded space for the tabs. It makes them feel detached from everything else. And I understand the importance of allocating the space for them, but the way it is done in this instance feels inappropriate. It's hard for me to put my finger on what it is that puts me off. But a part of me thinks that cutting out the toolbar so that there is like, a pocket of which the tabs can occupy instead of being another thing that the toolbar so happens to have.
I have absolutely no graphic design talent so I will have to describe what I am talking about.
So, I imagine lowering the bottoms of the tabs so that they are flush with the border of the toolbar. this will cause these tabs to be misaligned with everything else. so, with that extra headspace above the tabs, that can be for folders or similar to lay right on top of the tabs so to allow quick navigation between batches of tabs for organization with the now limited space.