
I would like to bring to your attention a usability issue I encountered while using the Orion Browser, specifically regarding the size of the "Create" button.

The "Create" button dimensions are fixed, and this can be problematic when translating text into languages with longer words. While the button size remains consistent across all languages, the text length can lead to truncation, impacting usability.

This issue can be reproduced through the following steps

To address this issue, I would like to propose the following potential solutions:

  • Use of "OK": Replace the value for the source key create from "Create" with the internationally recognized term "OK" in the language string Kagi/Kagi-macOS/Resources/en.lproj ; and then remove translation string available under the following link: https://localazy.com/p/orion-browser/phrases/1105/edit/_a8023463571815338756.
    This would allow for consistent terminology across all languages.

  • Button Resizing: Increase the size of the "Create" button to ensure it accommodates longer text strings without truncation.

  • Wider Windows: Consider making the "New Profile" and "Edit Profile" windows wider to provide more space for buttons and text.

0.99.129-beta; macOS Ventura 13.4 (22F66)

Ventura (13)

Thank you for considering this suggestion!

Best regards,

    eirk changed the title to Create profile button too small .
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