Experiencing somewhat consistent crashes related to content blocker, specifically after triggering updating behavior.

Replication steps:

  1. Open settings and go to the content blocker section
  2. Enable all default blocklists this triggers an update, if not, click the update now button too
  3. Wait for the progress to reach 40% and try visiting pages, typing search queries.
  4. Expect a crash

Video of issue

Orion/OS details

App version: 1.3.9 (5) (WebKit 8619.
System version: 18.0.0
Device type: iPhone 11
Native bounds: (828.0, 1792.0)
Scale: 2.0
Regular tabs: 2/2/2/orion://newtab/
Private tabs: 0/0/0/(


No crash

    I was also able to reproduce this on iOS 17.6.1 running the latest testflight version (1.3.9 (5)).

    a month later
    No one is typing