Steps to reproduce:
Install ClearURLs from Firefox store
Click on icon in Toolbar to bring up settings

Expected behavior:
Settings UI is rendered properly

Orion and macOS:
Orion: Version (WebKit 613.1.12)
macOS: 12.1


    8 months later

    Actually I did some test against Firefox, and it seems like not only the UI is not working, the whole plugin is not working. On Firefox if I randomly browse Amazon I get the URLs without all the tracking added to them, but on Orion even with the extension enabled, no matter how I click the orange switches, the extension does nothing: the URL are full of tracking elements.

      Steps to reproduce:
      ClearURLs I've noticed does not have any text next to the toggle buttons as pictured below. Likewise clicking the settings cog or wrench also does nothing.

      Attempting to get to the options via backend Extensions->Manage then Options here loads a crashed page.

        Steps to reproduce:

        Expected behavior:

        • What works:
          • Extension cleans tracking from links (such as any result in Google's search).
        • What doesn't work:
          • Configuring its options isn't possible through the context menu.


        Orion, OS version; hardware type:
        Orion (WebKit 613.1.12)
        macOS Version 12.2 (Build 21D5025f)

        Session Info:

        Enabled Extensions:

        • ClearURLs (firefox)
        • Bitwarden - Free Password Manager (chrome)
        • Bypass Paywalls Clean (firefox)
        • uBlock Origin (firefox)

        Disabled Extensions:

        Non Default Settings:

        • AutofillEnabled => 0
        • ShowFullWebsiteAddress => 1
        • ContentBlockerLastUpdated => 2021-12-21 00:00:00 +0000
        • CustomAppIcon => appicon2
        • CustomAppIconData => {length = 234814, bytes = 0x89504e47 0d0a1a0a 0000000d 49484452 ... 49454e44 ae426082 }
        • ShowBackgroundImageOnStartPage => 0
        • backgroundImageOnStartPage => file:///System/Library/Desktop%20Pictures/Monterey%20Graphic.heic
        • isBackgroundImageDarkOnStartPage => 1
        • ShowRecommendationsOnStartPage => 1
        • DownloadLocation => /Users/superuser/Downloads
        • FirstLaunch => 0
        • FirstTimeWebExtensionNotice => 1
        • FocusMode => 0
        • HyperlinkAuditingEnabled => 0
        • LastUsedBuildVersion => 109.1
        • PreCompiledContentRuleListVersion => 109.1
        • LastCrashCheckDate => 2022-01-06 21:10:23 +0000
        • NetworkPredictionEnabled => 0
        • NextBookmarkID => 30
        • NextDownloadID => 66
        • SavedWindowSize => 840.0,512.0
        • SavedWindowPosition => 1.0,513.0
        • SearchSuggestEnabled => 0
        • SendCrashReports => autoSend
        • TabStyle => treeStyle
        • QuitWithConfirmation => 1
        • CurrentToolbarSize => small
        • VerticalTabsWidth => 147
        • ActivePreferenceTab => search
        • ReaderModeFontName => San Francisco
          Merged 1 post from Clear URLs Firefox extension's context menu broken.
            a year later

            Hey, I just switched to Orion and noticed that the ClearUrls extension UI is not working as described in this thread.

            Is there maybe any update on the topic? Is an extension like ClearUrls even needed when using Orion?

            https://orionfeedback.org/d/798-clearurls-settings-ui-issue seems to be an older duplicate of this issue.

            • Vlad replied to this.
              Merged 4 posts from Descriptive text missing on ClearURL's.

                Ota Thanks when we address an issue, we change the status to Done. There are over 1,700 open issues so there are a ot of factors going in for prioritization.

                • Ota replied to this.

                  Vlad Thanks for getting back to me. I understand that prioritization is hard. As this issue is under review since over a year, I just hoped this was on its way to be resolved.

                  Is there something that we can do to identify the problem, that would help to address the issue?

                  • Vlad replied to this.


                    under review since over a year, I just hoped this was on its way to be resolved.

                    So are over 500 other issues.

                    Is there something that we can do to identify the problem

                    No, the problem is in the lack of resources on side to address this many bug reports and feature requessts.

                    What would help of course is more people supporting the development of the browser.

                      2 years later
                      3 months later

                      Im not sure this is done, Im still seeing this issue and the extension is not working at all @Vlad
                      Not adding any screenshots as it is the exact same issue.


                        No one is typing