Cookie retention is currently global - [Settings]-[Privacy]-"Automatically Delete Cookies".
Per-Site Settings [Settings for xxx] - "Enable Cookies" is a checkbox.
This is insane, especially since the cookie management extensions don't work with Orion.
Per Site Settings should be a matching dropdown with three additions:
Cookies: {Default; Disabled; Remove after one day ; Remove after one week ; Remove after two weeks ; Remove after one month ; Remove after three months ; Remove after six months ; Remove after one year; Remove after Orion exits; Never Remove}
(The Additions are Default - meaning whatever the global setting is, Disabled and Never Remove.)
Generally we suffer extreme cookie-crud. Every site wants to set cookies, and we often need to let them do it for the site to work. So setting the default to a week is rational.
But that signs us out of everything we actually want to stay signed into. So being able to create exceptions would be great.
Meanwhile, I don't (for example) want most news sites having a cookie for longer than a day. They need a day because otherwise they keep blocking the bottom of the content to ensure I'm human, but if I give them a week, they say I've read my three (or so) free articles and paywall me.
So, for example, I would set:
- The default to a week so most sights I can sign into or resume a shopping cart for a bit, but then go away. E.g. Expedia, Nordstrom, a one-time clothing purchase that required registration.
- Some sites to "disabled" so that no tracking at all can occur.
- Some to "One Day" such as most newspapers, so they function but I can read them. e.g. FoxNews.
- Sites I use frequently or long-term, such as,,, to "Never Delete."