Would be nice if you could suspend a whole tabs tree, except the active tab or any tabs where media are playing (in PiP or music in the background etc) - here's how it currently is.

I often open numerous tabs, that might consume a lot of resources (eg. many youtube tabs) and have one of them playing (some music in the background, or the news, or a video in PiP). When I wish to free resources, I suspend the most resource intensive tree, but sometimes the "media" I'm listening/watching to are inside that same tree - causing the video/sound to stop. I expect the suspension to happen to everything else, except the one (or more) tab that is actually producing sound/video. Then I can go manually, and stop the playback, close, or suspend that tab aswell if it was what I wanted in the first place.

  • Vlad replied to this.
    17 days later

    F_Kal You can already suspend a tree. It should not suspend tabs playing media can you confirm?

      hmm, I tested it again in the current orion version ( but it does suspend the media-playing tab aswell..
      I've tested both with a youtube video playing in its domain and in pip. both will instantly suspend if the tree parent was suspended.

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