• Using Preview to view links causes the process to remain after closing the preview window

  • BugsDesktopDone

Steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. On the latest RC, open an external link multiple times using the new Preview feature
  2. Look at Activity Monitor
  3. Notice that each subsequent click on the same link creates a new process and the old ones aren't properly killed once the user is done previewing
  4. This will lead to unnecessary resource usage (mainly RAM) and requires the user to fully quit Orion to reset it back to normal

An example picture of the Activity Monitor after previewing a link to https://www.reddit.com/ in an external app (Signal) 11 times:

Expected outcome:
Once the user is done previewing the link and closes it, the process should be killed as well.

MacOS and Orion versions:

Version (WebKit 619.1.1)

Sonoma (14)

    Open one or more Orion Preview windows and close them. Then, open App Expose with ctrl+down. The Orion Preview window titles will remain, but the actual windows will be invisible. The titles are not interactable but take up space anyway.

    After closing, the Orion Preview windows should fully close and not persist in any way.

    Ventura (13)

      Merged 2 posts from Orion Preview window titles persist in App Expose after being closed.
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