• Any time I click on a link outside of Orion it loads an Orion preview window instead of opening the browser.

  • BugsDesktopDone

mazil i dont see this in my settings. any advice on how to disable the external url previews?

    They seem to have moved the setting to the "Tabs" panel in settings calling it "Link Preview". I actually stopped using Orion as my default browser after this change.

    • Vlad replied to this.

      @VladGerasimov @Tenthrow

      I'm also likely to stop using Orion over this even though I love everything else about it. It's extremely annoying. When I click a link I want it to open in the same browser window next to my other tabs where I can use all the elements of the browser, including bookmarklets, to do stuff with the page. I want the tab to open and stay there so I can switch back and forth to it. I don't want the mini preview window at all. At the very least please give us an easy way to disable this - I can't find a way to do it in the settings.

      • Vlad replied to this.

        AnselHerz Why stop when you can just disable the feature? Settings -> Tabs -> Link Preview

          Last time I looked there I did not see it, maybe it was my fault! Thank you for that and for all the work that goes into this browser!

            11 days later

            @Vlad would it be possible to add a setting that lets me invert the current behavior so that shift+click in another app opens the link in the preview window, but normal click defaults to opening in a regular tab?

              segphault There is already a setting (we think in the obvious place) and it is referenced at least two times in this thread 🙂 In addition first time link preview is showed, there is text on top that also references this setting.

              What can we do to make this more obvious?

                a month later

                There's a problem with the default behavior - websites which send a "forgot password" email, or a "magic link" email for login. The preview window "uses up" the unique token sent by those websites, so if you preview the link from Apple Mail for instance, then decide you want to open in Orion, the link is no longer valid, and you have to generate a new link, a new email etc. Not great!

                • Vlad replied to this.
                  11 days later

                  I agree with segphault. While the setting lets you change the default behavior, it also removes the ability to show the preview in times when you may want it. What I would like is for the default behavior to be that the link opens in a new tab, but that if you hold shift (or some other key) when clicking a link, you can force it to load in preview mode.

                  That would give you the best of both worlds, in my opinion, cause you could do nothing and get the default behavior of every other browser, but you could also one-off force a page to load in preview mode if you want to take a quick look at it.

                  • Vlad replied to this.

                    craig You should be able to see previews even when the setting is turned off, by holding shift key?

                      Vlad Thanks. I didn’t realize that. It doesn’t seem to work at the OS level. Holding shift and clicking on a link in an email in Mail.app, for example, doesn’t show the preview. Maybe it is not possible to do that though?

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