• Any time I click on a link outside of Orion it loads an Orion preview window instead of opening the browser.

  • BugsDesktopDone


The preview is a new feature inrtoduced in the latest RC. Try go to Setting -> Browsing -> Tabs -> and deselect "Open external links in Preview". Don't know if it will help tho.

    From reading other bug reports about the dissapering window I am seeing now that is inexplicably intention behavior that was toggled on by default with the new version. This completely blows my mind. I like this ability in Safari with a force click but for this to be the default behavior now for all links with a single left click is blowing my mind. And to not even have some sort of training video to play on first launch to explain what is going on is too much. I spent way too much time trying to trouble shoot this. I thought my trackpad was malfunctioning and when I figured out it was only happening if Orion was the default app I switched back to defaulting safari... this is bad. I love the idea of having something like this as an optional feature but changing this to default behavior is actually pretty aggravating. In my opinion it should preview only if you hold control or force press. Default for single left click? Absolutely not.

    I guess I am glad it also has the terrible invisible window bug or I wouldn't have had any clue what was going on and switch back to Safari as my default.

      mazil This is one of the worst default behaviors I have ever seen in an app, especially an app I am using daily to change to this... Who wants this?

        If you dont like getting aggravated, you really should not be using a Release Candidate of a browser thats in Beta.
        you should stick with Beta version instead of using RC

        RC is for testing stuff like new features and then getting feedback on it, so the aggravation doesn't enter Beta version

          Longely RC means Release Candidate in every software development company I have ever worked for (and one step before gold master). So here it means Alpha? When I signed up for Orion Plus the site told me to download Orion RC. I guess I am the idiot for not knowing that meant a more unstable/experimental version. Communication is a real problem with this app it seems.

            Tenthrow RC means Release Candidate in every software development company I have ever worked for (and one step before gold master). So here it means Alpha?

            Yes, you are correct. For Orion, RC has a meaning closer to alpha.

            Tenthrow the site told me to download Orion RC

            Access to the RC is a perk of Orion+.

            Tenthrow Communication is a real problem with this app it seems

            I agree that some additional clarification definitely needs to be done.


              I guess it should be clarified more. I have been using Orion for more then a year. Bugs are a general problem with the browser even the Beta version, and RC versions often get released with problems that forces me to use Beta.

              So i think RC should more be seen as a preview of what to come, with or without bugs.

              That said this isn't a bug, but a new feature, that for me personally is the desired behaviour.
              So i guess the discussion that should be had here if it should be on by default

                Longely I have switched the beta and am having a much better experience.

                As far as the preview feature being default behavior. No other browser works like this. Without knowing it was there I thought there was something wrong with my trackpad and restarted it several times before switching to mouse and eliminating that hardware. I then unplugged all my keyboard periferals in case of them them was sending a stuck keypress, then rebooted my machine to make sure there wasn't something wrong with my computer before realizing it was only happening if I was using Orion as my default browser.

                I want to say again, that I do like the feature as an alternate behavior like it is for safari hard press, I could see using it with control or command depressed, but for that to be standard left click, it breaks a lifetime of expected behavior when simplly left clicking a link. It also represents a conflict between the behavior of clicking links inside Orion and outside Orion. I doubt you want to have the preview coming up anytime you click a link inside the Orion browser. I can't pretend to know how others will feel about it, but for me (especially without very clear communication), it feels extremely broken.


                  yeah I can see how the behaviour could be confused with broken trackpad.

                  I personally like it because often links in Mail for instance, is just something i want to check out fast, and not be send to a different app to view, and if its important enough for a longer session inside a browser i can easily make a new tab with it by clicking the button in the preview window.

                  I know Sigma and Arc have a similar feature, I dont know if its on by default though.

                  That said i dont have any problems with having it off by default, if its undesired for the majority. only problem with that is discoverability, but maybe thats ok

                    Longely That said i dont have any problems with having it off by default, if its undesired for the majority. only problem with that is discoverability, but maybe thats ok

                    I think that's where good communication comes in. But I think that applies the opposite way too. If that is the decided default behavior, I would want a very clear communication as to what's going on so I can make an informed decision. Maybe even make it a first time opening prompt... "How do you want to use this?"

                    4 days later

                    The feature was communicated in the release notes, which should be appropriate level of communication.

                    We plan to leave this feature on by default. I was skeptic at first too, but now this feature is an important part of my daily flow with the browser. (when we fix all the bugs it should be pretty smooth.

                    One thing we can probably do better is having additional communication first time you use this. Any idea what would that look like?

                      5 days later

                      Vlad I would think on first launch after the feature becomes default, there would be a modal explaining the new behavior and where to find the setting. If you want people to have a choice on first launch, I would explain the feature then ask if they want to try it out or keep the behavior they are accustomed to, but that's if you don't want to force it on people.

                        4 days later
                        2 months later

                        mazil i dont see this in my settings. any advice on how to disable the external url previews?

                          They seem to have moved the setting to the "Tabs" panel in settings calling it "Link Preview". I actually stopped using Orion as my default browser after this change.

                          • Vlad replied to this.

                            @VladGerasimov @Tenthrow

                            I'm also likely to stop using Orion over this even though I love everything else about it. It's extremely annoying. When I click a link I want it to open in the same browser window next to my other tabs where I can use all the elements of the browser, including bookmarklets, to do stuff with the page. I want the tab to open and stay there so I can switch back and forth to it. I don't want the mini preview window at all. At the very least please give us an easy way to disable this - I can't find a way to do it in the settings.

                            • Vlad replied to this.

                              AnselHerz Why stop when you can just disable the feature? Settings -> Tabs -> Link Preview