• Navigating to any URL with `httpss` protocol crashes the entire browser (in some circumstances persistently)

  • BugsDesktopDone
  • Clean browser, clean profile, no extensions ever, etc.
  • Accidentally navigate to any URL with httpss protocol
  • Browser crashes
  • If it was in a saved window, a situation where the profile will always crash on open is possible

Some sort of error screen instead would be nice?

Ventura (13)

    Reproduced the typo and can see it happening for any URL on version (WebKit 618.1.2), Sonoma 14.2.1 (23C71)!

    Try httpss://google.com!

      May I add, use a separate profile if you try.

      I got that profile completely busted after that incident (it crashes immediately on open). Luckily it was a barely used profile with only a couple of tabs, losing my main work profile with a 200+ tabs across 12+ windows would have been a disaster to be honest.

      Happy new year and thanks Orion team for ongoing work!

        Got around to reproducing how this bug can completely bust a profile forever.

        There are apparently multiple ways of getting there, and when it actually happened to me it was in a blink of an eye, but here is a slower way to the same outcome if anyone fancies:

        1. Clean profile, no extensions ever, etc.
        2. Create a persistent/saved/named window
        3. Open some legit URL like https://orionfeedback.org
        4. Enter httpss://kagi.com in the address bar and Cmd+Enter it to open in a new background tab
        5. Drag the working orionfeedback.org tab out to create a new window
        6. Close that window to focus the original window with kagi.com

        There; in a second or so the browser will crash and henceforth will never even launch.

          3 months later
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