Pinned tabs don't keep their order after restart of Orion.

See video:

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Drag your pinned tabs in your preferred order
  2. Restart Orion
  3. Order is changed

That they keep their order.

There might be a relation with this report but I'm not sure since it seemed to be more about regular tabs:

Version (WebKit 618.1.2)

Sonoma (14)

  • Vlad replied to this.
    janpeeters changed the title to Pinned tabs don't keep their order after restart of Orion .

      janpeeters I am not able to reproduce this. Can you try with a new clean Orion profile, and provide minimum steps to reproduce it?

        I tried with a new profile. At first I was also not able to reproduce this. But after the following steps everything got messed up again:

        • Create a new profile
        • Fill three (or more) bookmarkgroups with multiple pinned tabs preferably 7 or so each.
        • Close Orion RC, everything was still in the right order after a restart.
        • Reset Orion RC completely (all settings, all time).
        • Reopen Orion RC, all pinned tabs are mixed up. I don't find this strange because I reset everything but…
        • Reorder all pinned tabs how you had them before.
        • Restart Orion RC
        • Everything is in the wrong order again.

        After the reset I was not able to restart Orion RC without my pinned tabs being in the wrong order. I tried a few times reordering them but were in wrong order every time.

        Since I've reset my main Orion profile quite a bit over the last months (see if problems I had with 1Password would go away), I'm wondering if the reset does something to the profile that prevents Orion RC from maintaining the right order of pinned tabs afterwards. But I realize this might be far fetched.

        To test this more thoroughly I wanted to delete all Profiles besides the new Clean one. I also wanted to get the new profile to sync because maybe sync would mix them up, but I could not delete the first profile, also not when making the new clean the default. It would be great if (when selecting a new profile as default) you could delete the main profile.

        • Vlad replied to this.

          I posted a new sequence which is shorter and skips many steps of the ones that I posted here earlier.

            New attempt to hunt this down in a shorter sequence:


            1. Create new profile
            2. Set new profile to default
            3. Set Tabs on the side
            4. Pin multiple tabs (I pinned 5)
            5. Save the tabs as a new tab group
            6. Quit Orion
            7. Open Orion
              Pinned tabs are still in right order
            8. Reset Orion (All Time, All Settings)
            9. Quit Orion
            10. Set Tabs on the Side
              Pinned tabs still in right order
            11. Quit Orion
              Tabs not in correct order anymore.

            Every restart of Orion hereafter the pinned tabs are in a different position.

            Note that the fact that I changed a pinned tab for another one (Volkskrant) is not causing the problem because I tested this without doing this and it still happens.

            Maybe that Resetting and restarting Orion afterwards does something with the storage of Pinned tabs settings in combination with Tabs on the Side?

            5 days later

            Hi @Vlad I saw in the release notes that this is fixed, but I tried to reorder my pinned tabs in my default (synching) profile, which I prefer because it synchs, but pinned tabs still got jumbled after a restart of Orion+ RC.
            Is there something I need to do to have the fix working? Like e.g. one last time create a clean profile?

            I'm on Version (WebKit 618.1.7). Build date Dec 27 2023.
            All extensions deactivated (for this test).

              janpeeters I checked again with Version (WebKit 618.1.7) but the jumbling (is that a word?) still ocurrs.

              • Vlad replied to this.
                6 days later
                8 days later

                I experience the same issue and can reproduce this by:

                1. Create a new profile
                2. Pin at least 4 tabs
                3. Close the window/profile
                4. File > Profiles > Open profile
                  9 days later

                  @Vlad The problem is not solved completely.
                  I tried to reproduce this again, and for a clean profile, the problem is solved.

                  But the profile that is synched still doesn't maintain the right order for pinned tabs after a restart.
                  It might have something to do with how data is synched?

                  I would be willing to test this more by starting over completely by deleting my CloudKit sync data for Orion RC but I have no idea how to do that, instructions are welcome.

                    Hi @Vlad I'm sorry to report that in Version (WebKit 619.1.1) the issue still occurs in the default synching profile with multiple tab groups. Reordering the pinned tabs to the right order and restarting the browser still mixes up the order of the pinned tabs.