In a content script injected by an extension in Gmail, behavior of is inconsistent. The same code works sometimes, and fails other times.
The code looks similar to this:
var result =
"toolbar=no," + "location=no," + "status=no," + "menubar=no," + "scrollbars=yes," + "resizable=yes," + "width=600," + "height=800"
When this code is run, one of these three things happens:
a) a new window is opened and a Window
object is displayed in the console log
b) nothing happens in the UI and a JSWindowProxy
object is displayed in the console log
c) the browser crashes
This is not affected by the popup blocker settings (I've tried to allow or block popups and/or tracking scripts, nothing changes).
The script above should have the same effect every time it is run (either open a new window, or possibly block it if the popup blocker logic requires that).
Monterey (12)