What happened? How did it happen? What are the steps to replicate the issue.
Steps to reproduce:

  1. Visit https://www.zooplus.de/account
  2. Click email field
  3. Click suggested login tooltip item underneath email field
  4. Email is filled correctly
  5. Repeat for password
  6. Password is not filled
  7. 1Password browser extension wrongly suggests to generate password instead of preselecting the right login item
  8. Clickin on the right login item in the browser extension and clicking "Autofill" doesn't work either
  9. Universal autofill "CMD + #" doesn't work either

While this flow doesn't work on orion I have successfully tested it on safari and on chrome.

More observations: I have a similar bug on more websites where I have to fill email and password separately (with tooltip, extension and universal autofill) while on chrome and safari both email and password are filled simultaneously. I observed that also there, the extension is wrongly suggesting to generate a password instead of preselecting the already existing login item. Can be tested on https://www.rewe.de -> Anmelden -> Login form.

Version 0.99.125-beta (WebKit 616.1.22)
Build date Jul 31 2023
Mac Studio (macOS Sonoma 14.0 build 23A344)

1Password – Password Manager (2.16.0) on Orion and on Chrome
1Password for Safari (2.16.0)
Also tested on 1Password – Password Manager Beta and Nightly

What did you expect to happen? Describe the desired functionality.
Expected behavior: 1password correctly fills the password field
Actual behavior: 1password doesn't fill the password field

What version of Orion are you running?
0.99.125-beta (WebKit 616.1.22)

    FWIW, I'm seeing these same sorts of problems in Version (WebKit 618.1.1)

      Have you confirmed with 1PW this is not an issue on their end/bridge integration?

        I'm still seeing the issue in Version (WebKit 618.1.1)

        I have no trouble using the 1Password extension in Chrome or Safari or Arc.

        Happy to provide whatever other details might be helpful.

        • dino replied to this.
          6 days later

          viciousgiraffe can you please share a video (you can use dummy credentials for video), so that we will be able better understand the issue, as we are unable to reproduce this by given steps.

            This doesn't happen on all sites, and not all the time. But it happens frequently and unpredictably enough to make it VERY difficult to use Orion as my default.

            Here's an example. Using .9-rc:

            This seems to happen more frequently when trying to sign back in to a site after being logged out and on sites where a login is entered on one page and then a password entered on a second page.

            Just now, I went to a site with this two-stage login. My userID populated with 1Password as expected on the first page. But after submitting that, the second page exhibited the same behavior in the movie above—clicking the one password icon in the password field did nothing, nor did attempting to fill from the toolbar button. (Nor did using the auto-fill keyboard shortcut work).

            FWIW, I'm seeing similar behavior in Version 0.99.126-rc (WebKit 618.1.2)

              11 days later

              FWIW, this behavior persists in Version (WebKit 618.1.2)

                I'm still seeing this issue (particularly with the two-page login sites) in Version (WebKit 618.1.2)

                • Vlad replied to this.


                  I have just tried a handful of sites to test the bug. In just that quick test I am seeing this bug on:

                  • Clio.com (email populated, but then password refuses to fill)
                  • NYTimes.com (email refuses to populate)
                  • Microsoft365 (email and password populate, but 2-factor code refuses to populate)

                  I don't have credentials I can provide for any of those, but, assuming you can get some, I am best able to reproduce by:

                  1. Signing on to the site complete by typing the login and password.
                  2. Logging out of the site.
                  3. Attempting to log back into the site using 1Password (either via the toolbar button or the keyboard shortcut)

                  This results in the experience I've posted in the video above—nothing populates.

                  I also see that 1Password seems to aggressively re-lock itself in the toolbar of Orion and then take a very long time to unlock (lots of spinning and "Loading" when the toolbar icon is clicked).

                    @Vlad would like to add that have successfully seen both email/password getting autofilled correctly now, thanks. However, the 2FA code still doesn't autofill on most login forms. One example site is Cloudflare dashboard.


                      Folks, the original issue is marked as Done. If you have others to report open a new bug report with exact steps that we as devs can use to reproduce the problem.

                        No one is typing