• Adding any extension seems to crash Orion iOS 1.3.1 (ios 17 public beta 5)

  • BugsMobileDone

Steps to reproduce:
Open orion mobile
Go to any(?) chrome or firefox extension page
Press install/add
Orion crashes

Expected behavior:
Extension should add after an "add extension?"-like popup

Orion, OS version; hardware type:
1.3.1 (3) (WebKit 8616.
iOS 17 public beta 5


    Just adding a note that it’s happening on iOS 16 too.

    • jsp likes this.

    Can confirm the same issue both on iOS 16 and then (after updating) on iOS 17 beta 8.

      I also have this problem, but I found that downloading any file will also crash and crash. My system is 16.6 and my phone is iPhone13pro

        Steps to reproduce:

        • launch Orion
        • enable extensions
        • open extensions page
        • tap install extension
        • try to either install from file, Firefox or Chrome store
        • Orion will immediately Crash to SpringBoard

        Expected behavior:
        install the extension

        Orion, OS version; hardware type:
        Orion 1.3.1, iOS 16.6, iPhone15,2

        Debug Log:
        [2023-09-01 12:09:47] AppDelegate: didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
        [2023-09-01 12:09:47] BrowserContainerVC: addTab: configuration: Optional(Orion.TabConfiguration(url: Optional(orion://newtab/), webContextView: nil, index: nil, openerTabId: nil, startLoading: false, successorId: nil, tabId: nil, isPinned: false, isDiscarded: false, isSelected: false, isPrivate: false, title: nil, cookieStoreId: nil, sessionState: nil, navigationType: nil, referer: nil, isRestoring: false, childrenTabId: nil, isExpanded: false, lastAccessed: Optional(1693570158.943519), interactionState: Optional(0 bytes), iCloudTabIdentifier: nil, parentICloudTabIdentifier: nil))
        [2023-09-01 12:09:47] TabViewModel: commonInit configuration: TabConfiguration(url: nil, webContextView: nil, index: nil, openerTabId: nil, startLoading: false, successorId: nil, tabId: nil, isPinned: false, isDiscarded: false, isSelected: false, isPrivate: false, title: nil, cookieStoreId: nil, sessionState: nil, navigationType: nil, referer: nil, isRestoring: false, childrenTabId: nil, isExpanded: false, lastAccessed: nil, interactionState: nil, iCloudTabIdentifier: nil, parentICloudTabIdentifier: nil), internalPageType: Optional(Orion.NewInternalPageType.newTab), tabCreatedWithStartPage: true, browserTab.url: Optional("orion://newtab/")
        [2023-09-01 12:09:47] TabViewModel: WebPageDelegate: urlUpdated: orion://newtab/, webPage: Orion.WebPageModel
        [2023-09-01 12:09:47] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
        [2023-09-01 12:09:47] TabViewModel: WebPageDelegate: isLoading: true, webPage: Orion.WebPageModel
        [2023-09-01 12:09:47] NewTabViewController ID 2: init w/ config Optional(Orion.TabConfiguration(url: Optional(orion://newtab/), webContextView: nil, index: nil, openerTabId: nil, startLoading: false, successorId: nil, tabId: nil, isPinned: false, isDiscarded: false, isSelected: false, isPrivate: false, title: nil, cookieStoreId: nil, sessionState: nil, navigationType: nil, referer: nil, isRestoring: false, childrenTabId: nil, isExpanded: false, lastAccessed: Optional(1693570158.943519), interactionState: Optional(0 bytes), iCloudTabIdentifier: nil, parentICloudTabIdentifier: nil))
        [2023-09-01 12:09:47] NewTabRootView ID -1: hideToolbarOnScrollSettingChanged
        [2023-09-01 12:09:47] BrowserContainerVC: selectTab: index: 0, tabsCount: 1
        [2023-09-01 12:09:47] TabViewModel: openStartURLIfNeeded: webPageModel: Orion.WebPageModel, hasURL: false, configuration: TabConfiguration(url: nil, webContextView: nil, index: nil, openerTabId: nil, startLoading: false, successorId: nil, tabId: nil, isPinned: false, isDiscarded: false, isSelected: false, isPrivate: false, title: nil, cookieStoreId: nil, sessionState: nil, navigationType: nil, referer: nil, isRestoring: false, childrenTabId: nil, isExpanded: false, lastAccessed: nil, interactionState: nil, iCloudTabIdentifier: nil, parentICloudTabIdentifier: nil)
        [2023-09-01 12:09:47] NewTabRootView ID 2: hideToolbarOnScrollSettingChanged
        [2023-09-01 12:09:47] NewTabViewController ID 2: processViewModel w/ state: faviconUpdated(image: Optional(<UIImage:0x280f23b10 named(main: orion.toolbar.startpage) {16, 16} renderingMode=alwaysTemplate>))
        [2023-09-01 12:09:47] NewTabViewController ID 2: updateBarsItems
        [2023-09-01 12:09:47] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
        [2023-09-01 12:09:47] NewTabViewController ID 2: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "")
        [2023-09-01 12:09:47] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateLocationBar
        [2023-09-01 12:09:47] NewTabViewController ID 2: processViewModel w/ state: updateLocationBar(viewModel: Orion.WebPageModel, tabsCount: 1)
        [2023-09-01 12:09:47] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateToolsbar
        [2023-09-01 12:09:47] NewTabViewController ID 2: processViewModel w/ state: updateToolsbar(tabHasURL: false, backNavigation: Orion.NewTabViewModel.BackNavigation.forbidden)
        [2023-09-01 12:09:47] BrowserContainerVC: commonInit: regularTabURLs: [""], privateTabURLs: []
        [2023-09-01 12:09:47] SceneDelegate: sceneWillEnterForeground
        [2023-09-01 12:09:47] TabViewModel: processAction action: configureContentBlocker(enabled: true)
        [2023-09-01 12:09:47] NewTabViewController ID 2: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingProgressChanged(progress: 0.5, animated: true)
        [2023-09-01 12:09:47] NewTabViewController ID 2: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingProgressChanged(progress: 1.0, animated: true)
        [2023-09-01 12:09:47] TabViewModel: WebPageDelegate: isLoading: false, webPage: Orion.WebPageModel
        [2023-09-01 12:09:47] NewTabViewController ID 2: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingStatusChanged
        [2023-09-01 12:09:47] NewTabViewController ID 2: updateBarsItems
        [2023-09-01 12:09:47] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateWebsiteAddress
        [2023-09-01 12:09:47] NewTabViewController ID 2: processViewModel w/ state: updateWebsiteAddress(text: "")
        [2023-09-01 12:09:47] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateLocationBar
        [2023-09-01 12:09:47] NewTabViewController ID 2: processViewModel w/ state: updateLocationBar(viewModel: Orion.WebPageModel, tabsCount: 1)
        [2023-09-01 12:09:47] TabViewModel: processAction action: updateToolsbar
        [2023-09-01 12:09:47] NewTabViewController ID 2: processViewModel w/ state: updateToolsbar(tabHasURL: false, backNavigation: Orion.NewTabViewModel.BackNavigation.forbidden)
        [2023-09-01 12:09:47] NewTabViewController ID 2: processViewModel w/ state: faviconUpdated(image: nil)
        [2023-09-01 12:09:47] NewTabViewController ID 2: processViewModel w/ state: removeReaderModeHighlightFromURLBar
        [2023-09-01 12:09:47] BrowserContainerVC: storeSessionURLs
        [2023-09-01 12:09:47] NewTabViewController ID 2: processViewModel w/ state: pageLoadingProgressChanged(progress: 0.0, animated: false)
        [2023-09-01 12:09:48] BrowserContainerVC: openOptionsPopover, hasURL: false
        [2023-09-01 12:09:48] NewTabViewController ID 2: updatePopoverSourceView
        [2023-09-01 12:09:48] TabViewModel: processAction action: takeScreenshot(tabRootView: Optional(<Orion.NewTabRootView: 0x104004cb0; frame = (0 0; 393 671); backgroundColor = <UIDynamicModifiedColor: 0x2833435d0; contrast = normal, baseColor = <UIDynamicSystemColor: 0x28281bac0; name = systemGray6Color>>; layer = <CALayer: 0x283d454a0>>))

          Merged 2 posts from Crash when trying to install extensions.

            Steps to reproduce:
            Third party extensions are enabled for both Chrome and Firefox.

            1. Open app
            2. Open extensions pane through Settings button (…) ➡️ Extensions 🧩
            3. (No extensions installed); press plus icon
            4. Press any recommended extension to install, e.g. Dark Reader
            5. App crashes immediately; extension is not installed upon relaunch.

            Also happens when you try to install from a different source, for example from Firefox extension webpage directly.

            Expected behavior:
            Installed extension with no crash.

            Orion, OS version; hardware type:
            Can’t paste the generated info in here, so I’ll try my best manually:

            App 1.3.1 (3)
            System version 17.0.0
            iPhone 11 Pro
            Native bounds 1125.0, 2436.0
            Regular/private tabs N/A

            No thank you

              Merged 2 posts from App crashes on extension installation (iOS 17 development beta).

                Steps to reproduce:

                1. Install any extensions from the recommended
                2. It crashes

                Expected behavior:
                Install Extension without crashing

                Orion, OS version; hardware type:
                App version: 1.3.1 (3) (WebKit 8615.
                System version: 16.6.0
                Device type: Iphone 14 Pro
                Native bounds: (1179.0, 2556.0)
                Scale: 3.0
                Regular tabs: 1/1/1/orion://newtab/
                Private tabs: 0/0/0/(

                  Further more,
                  Orion Crashes when downloading PDFs or any playback videos

                    I have the same issue when i try to install a new extension

                      Merged 5 posts from Installing Extension Crashes Orion Browser.

                        I'm having this issue too. It's working fine on my iPad, but crashes on my iPhone.

                        Edit: it's fine, I just missed the update yesterday. Sorry.

                        No one is typing